Mosaic Minds Podcast
Welcome to Mosaic Minds. A lifestyle podcast with multiple perspectives. Hosted by Nick Williams & Jason Yocum. We talk and interview guests about everything from self-improvement, fitness, and mental health to sports and tattoos. The end goal is always to get a listener/viewer to see another perspective.
Mosaic Minds Podcast
Ezra Evans | Pro Golfer & Entrepreneur | Mosaic Minds Podcast Ep. 51
In this exciting episode of Mosaic Minds Podcast, we sit down with Ezra Evans, a professional golfer, entrepreneur, and family man with an incredible journey. From discovering golf at age 20 to competing on international tours and building a thriving business, Ezra’s story is one of perseverance, faith, and success.
What you’ll hear in this episode:
- How Ezra transitioned from basketball to golf and excelled as a late starter.
- Behind the scenes of playing on the Gira de Golf Profesional Mexicana and navigating the competitive world of golf.
- Insights into Ezra’s video game console resale business and the entrepreneurial lessons he’s learned along the way.
- The mental side of golf: how a mental coach helped Ezra unlock his potential on the course.
- Ezra’s faith journey and how it has shaped his life, parenting, and career.
- The challenges and triumphs of balancing professional sports, business, and family life.
Ezra’s down-to-earth personality, passion for golf, and dedication to family make this episode a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration in their personal or professional life.
Connect with Ezra:
- Connect with Ezra:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ezrabevans/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ezra.evans.3
Mentioned in this episode:
- Sponsors: Srixon Golf, Wilson Golf, Right Balance Golf
- Mental Golf Type coaching for improving your game.
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what I've learned is like when you get nervous like our cortisol LS go up right you get in the flight flight or flight fight fight or flight right and what happens is if that gets too high you you lose the sense of like it's a motor cortex you lose that ability to do something right it's like you're driving down the road you can drive and drive for four hours and not even think and you like lost your time of like lost your sense of time right in golf to get in the zone is what we call it like you want to play with your um unconscious welcome to Mosaic Minds the podcast where every episode is a colorful blend of perspectives ideas and conversation each week our diverse team of hosts brings their unique backgrounds experiences and interests to the table Mosaic Minds is your invitation to join the conversation to see the world through a kaleidoscope of viewpoints so grab a seat tune in and let the Mosaic unfold before [Music] you welcome back to another episode of Mosaic Minds podcast my name is Nick this is Jason and today we are joined by Ezra Evans he is a pro golfer and a business owner and he has an incredible backstory normally I'd probably give a more in-depth intro but uh after learning about him from Jason I'm just going to kind of let him talk for a second so welcome first of all welcome to the show Ezra if you could just kind of give us a background of kind of where you started just kind of tell us your story The the way that um that Jason kind of told me about it yeah so um so I grew up in Indiana uh huge basketball fan yeah as most of us are and I actually met Jason I think I was about 17 or 18 and uh we used to go to Wolf field at Indiana State and play basketball a lot um all the time I I breathed lived basketball like ate basketball it was what I wanted to do honestly I was but I was a great shooter but I wasn't very athletic um my defense was not great either but you know that's neither here or there but um Jason and my brother actually introduced me to golf um I was 20 years old at the time and I remember going to Ray Park Golf Course in ter hope and before then it was STS uh this little nine-hole or 18 hole par three course that we used to go play at and uh I was love the game I had passion for basketball I played it all the time practiced all the time and wanted to play somewhere but I wasn't good enough you know I could shoot the ball but that was about it um but with golf I I got good pretty quick you know not great but I got good pretty quick because I uh started working at golf courses in terot Indiana and um you know um thanks to Jason and my brother for introducing me to that because here I am today as a professional golfer playing not not as much as I'd like but you know I've been able to see all over the us all over Mexico currently live in Mexico uh which is awesome you know I got a lovely wife uh four children awesome want to say hello to all them po Axel Ezra Benjamin Jr and Noah who's six months old five months old sorry and then my wife nelli so they're awesome great support system awesome family um but with golf I just kind of fell in love with it and practiced and played all the time and uh I think in 2014 I was in the same situation that you guys are now where it's you know freezing your butt off it's 20° outside you're not doing any kind of golf I remember staying at my mom's um and it was like two weeks in a row it was like under 20 degrees there was snow on the ground and then all of a sudden you get those days that'll be like 55 degrees out of nowhere right so the ice and everything's melting and I remember going out and practicing and then the very next night it snowed and sleeted and everything and then I went out there and still practice it was like 20° outside I went in this feeld field that was near my mom's house to hit balls and my hands were so cold I mean I I was like what am I going to do if I want to play golf what am I going to do so I decided to go to Florida so me and a couple buddies we moved to Florida I had like probably $300 to my name went down there and worked at some golf courses uh I worked in the golf industry since I've been let's see I'm 40 years old now I think I started when I was about 2 4 23 something like that so been in the golf industry for a long time went to Florida worked as a I was a caddy I was a um cart guy that comes and cleans the carts and then cleans the golf club stuff like that and played a little bit on the mini tours in Florida but down there it's hard because if you're caddy you're working seven days a week you don't have a lot of time it's expensive and then I got blessed in 2019 um when I met my wife we got married um and I started to um kind of go away from golf a little bit um I found out that I could buy video games and video game consoles in Mexico and then resell them in the US for a good profit yeah and that's yeah that's I remember Jason talking about okay go ahead I'm sorry I didn't realize that that you were the same person yeah goad yeah same guy so if I if I can interject real quick before you kind of go um off on that topic man Nick this is a heartfelt level man it almost tear me up that this guy here has a phenomenally well-oiled business model of what he does audience that you're hearing I've been in school a long time I've done a lot of networking thousands of hours and I listen to this young man talk and the way he conducts himself and the way his his ethics are strong and he does great things man it almost tear me up because a you're successful B you get it and C he won't say it but he's helping and blessing the people that are in his organization so sorry to preface that but I'm going to let you kind of take it from there Ezra no I I before we go any further I want to say thank you to my my friend and my business partner Jesus Torres who he and I met about four years ago and we kind of just mixed together and we just came you know we do we do really well with our with our uh consoles we basically buy a lot of consoles you know we sell a lot every week we have good clients in the US We Buy in Mexico and resell in the US and we have a lot of clients in both sides but um the business part is I've always thought like like my clients always come first right like if something happens to the products that I'm um shipping to them I I replac them you know we replac them but but I couldn't do this without my business partner Jesus he's great guy great family man he's awesome he's a really good friend of mine he's really good so reputation is a is a very important part of of this in the video game Community it's so important especially if you get known as a person who like tries to steal off of somebody or sell something that doesn't work and you don't take care of it like you know I've sold stuff that works and then by the time to get it it doesn't work so I'm always like okay what can we do to fix that and I think that's that's why we do so well you know I I feel that way like it's important in all business like your clients are the ones that get you the money like if you don't have your clients you don't have a job you know so I'm trying to make sure that they're first right you know even though you know kind of recently we had a guy that you know we didn't know we we know we sold them stuff working and checked it three or four times right the consoles basically sold it to him and then he gets it and it doesn't work and we did it multiple times and I was like man this is kind of odd you know but we took care of it you know that's something at our business and that's what we have to do so I always uh just real quick your business model perspective Ezra um educate the audience at large when you're buying and selling these councils you're not doing a lot of peripherals you're doing more like you're uh just your councils is that my understanding yeah for now we still buy we used to buy a lot of video games but but the it's hard to sell people 800 video games you know one guy wants three another guy wants this so we're like but we found out that people always want consoles like they have their shops all throughout the US that we sell to California Nevada uh Alabama Florida all everywhere Indiana that's our biggest supplier our biggest buyer is in Indiana actually so you're more you're more B2B kind of thing like business business yeah yeah we are the we buy everything we check them we send it to them they clean it up and then they post it on their website or they sell on eBay or they sale on Amazon or whatever and it it's worked great what's your top three consoles that you kind of gravitate towards uh we sell the most Nintendo 64 PlayStation 2 and probably Nintendo GameCube or Nintendo Super Nintendo yes so Nintendo's still like it's something that we all grew up with we all that man we grew up with that I grew up with Sega was my first console that I remember having as a child you know like eight n years old it was awesome I remember that stuff so oral Sonic the Hedgehog sometimes we got to tell random stories in the theme of uh Mosaic minds but my uh my memories were I wasn't allowed to have a Nintendo in the house so we'd go to Doug and Carol Bean Blossom of all people pay pay $5 to rent the council that came with two controllers and it always would come with like Duck Hunt and then it was 250 a game so my game was super techmobile we'd put tape on our thumbs to keep from bleeding up our thumbs Tech Mobile and you always got a code that you had to have to take it to the next week of the playoffs and walk through and then you had to put $2.50 cents down so I won't say what we did with the controllers but if we would get a bad play or whatever we'd get a little emotional so we always we always took care of them we never broke anything or damaged anything but it was always competitive and a fun time so Let's uh let's transition back a little bit into the golf so uh educ educate me a little bit again uh cuz I always am I'm curious in your journey um what what tour are you with how does that look uh where do you travel with that so I play down here I don't have status right now but um I went to Q school last year I missed I missed my card by one shot which is kind of crazy you know you go over four three rounds of golf and you can think of one shot you could have done better but uh it's called golf Prof so basically the professional golf Mexican tour is what it's called right um it is phenomenal I love it we play at Great sites the People Are Awesome the in are great the payouts are great um I don't want to say too many good things about it because I don't want everybody to come down here and yeah but no it it's awesome like I mean and people like you tell them you play down here in Mexico and you're like you play golf in Mexico I'm like yeah and we play the greatest courses like it's awesome these people are great they unfortunately I went to Florida a few weeks ago to play in some golf tournaments I played well but like like two days before the tournament that I was playing in mexic in Florida they called me or texted me and asked me if I wanted to go play in uh in Meda which is a state here in um Mexico and it's my favorite golf course in all of Mexico it's a Jack Nicholas design course they asked me to play in it said Ezra we have a spot unfortunately I was already in Florida I didn't you know I couldn't change everything around but you know but uh they're playing next week actually is next week I think in El Salvador so they're playing in a different country right yeah so they play All Around Mexico um Q school so qualifying school they have in they have in Colombia and they have in California and then they have here in Mexico um I play the one in Mexico because I'm been living here for almost it'll be five years now so but the tour is great like I found out about it when I moved here um through a couple friends and um Josh Ratcliffe is a friend of mine uh plays in Texas he's won on this tour very good player very good um he made it to the US Open last year as an alternate so he's a very good player anyways my uh my golf actually started in Florida I played on what we call the mini tours and those are basically just just a lot of two-day events like you pay four or 500 bucks you play two days you see where you get and then how much money you get right you're never going to become a millionaire on those events but there's a lot of very good competition especially around this time of year when nobody's playing right like PJ tour just started again but there's a lot of like people that don't play on the PJ tour that are very good and they play on the mini tours do you BM do you ever get to bump bump elbows with any of the Green Jackets uh no I've never no I I do have I do have a friend that does play on a PJ tour um but none of the guys that's want to Masters or anything I would love to go there gusta no no Phil Mickelson on your speed di nothing like no no Ezra break it down a little bit for Nick uh he he's actually well researched he's learned a lot about sports but break it down PGA T ESPN Saturday morning break down your tour kind of how that logistically for for the audience at large like PJ tour would be MLB right the next below would be the corn fairy tour which is a feeder tour into the PJ tour so that'd be like triaa baseball like you're almost there you're trying to get through there right and then below that is basically like doublea ball I well I don't know if I'd even call it doublea because you can still get to the PJ tour through these other tours right um my tour or the tour that I play on here uh has uh they get world ranking points it's a cut you make money but and you do qualify for other events like last year or two years ago I played well in an event here in Mexico I made the cut it qualified me to play in the PJ tour or Latin America event their final event I didn't play well but it was here in Mexico and um but I qualified to go to that so all these different tours if you play well on them you get world ranking points and the higher your world rank points are you can get into different events things like that but mainly the top two is PJ tour and then the corn faery now there's What's called the PJ tour Americas which uh involves United States Canada Mexico and like South America um and then there's PJ tour uh Asia that's another great one over there that you can go to uh different maybe it's just called the Asian tour maybe it's not the PJ tour but that's another there's so many professional golf tours around the world but this one is very good only bad part is we only get to play like once every six weeks because there's in Mexico about 90 about 98% of all golf courses are public or private sorry um so a lot of the people don't want to give do not want to give up their you know their their their course for a week you that makes sense yeah you know there's so many people that um spend their entire lives you know and spend all kinds of money and everything trying to get get better at golf you know get get good at golf so like what what would you say what was kind of your secret do you think that at such a young age when Jason introduced you to to golf like how did what was it about it that I guess made you so passionate to just kind of Take Charge well I kind of have like an addictive personality which can be good and bad you know oh man I'm right there with you yes right with you that's what I would say I'm like you know like I'm I'm a what what I I would say that I am an extremist you know like I I do everything all the way so whether it's a good thing or anything I'm sorry but goe yeah go ahead it's like it's like that like I never started playing golf until I was 20 like I'm playing guys that are you know now I'm 40 but I'm playing kids that are 25 26 27 years old that's been playing since they've been five years old so technically they still have the same amount of experience to me honestly probably more tournament experience than I do because I didn't even start playing tournaments until maybe eight nine years ago may maybe less than that so I don't have tournament tournament experiences they do do what audience at large you know take take grasp of what this young man just said because you got to understand he didn't touch a golf club I'm going to tell a funny antidote and then we're going to take it off the beaten path a little bit just because in the in the thread of the podcast Mosaic Minds so not to embarrass him but I'm going to tell a funny story so when we started playing golf and terot there was a par three Ezra chime in 125 yards no it's uh for 140 yards it's 140 45 yards yeah over by the Coke machine on the side of the Side Road how far was it one more time number 13 about 145 yards can i s can I say or I Wrong what honestly what did you tee off with what type of Club did you tea off I I hit a three-wood on thatle okay you hit a three-wood how far do you hit a three wood now uh about two right 265 27 wow so this guy would literally slice the ball right to left it would hit the Fairway like it was hitting the 465 in downtown Indianapolis and the ball would go like 50 yards over the green and now he's hitting it I think he said 255 so that's that's the progression and and uh what what I will take credit for is nothing to do with his talent what I will take what I will take full credit for is the etiquette and the way you conduct yourself on a golf course and I'm going to tip my cap my dad for that um we we've all done it and I'm not a finger at him but I've done it I'm not going to say he has you know the slamming of the clubs the saying stuff there's a lot of there's a lot of uh depth in that yeah go ahead goad I was gonna say that I was I still get angry I'm not going to lie I still get angry but it's not as bad as it used to be when I was younger it was throwing clubs it was beating trees it was all this there is a tree that at Ray Park I would I like hooked it into this tree number one day I probably was like 24 or 25 I was taking my club and beating this tree and one of my old coaches said hey we're gonna call that the Ezra tree and from then on he's called it the Ezra tree because I used to try to chop it down with the thing but I would never like I would never let my children do that never like and I and I and I I actually work with a a mental golf coach at uh it's called mental golf type so any of you golfers that are listening plug that in your website look it up mental golf type go in and see what kind of mental golf type you have I started working with Carl about two a year and a half two years ago and I found out a lot about myself like a lot and it's help you know and the number one thing for me and I think every person not just in golf but in general like your selft talk is so important like if you're sitting there calling yourself an idiot you're stupid why could you do that you know after a long time you're going to believe it and then it's and for me it's like a Snowball Effect like I if I'm like man Ezra that was such a stupid play why would you do that and then it's a snowball and then all of a sudden I'm you know saying all these bad things to myself that I would never say to anybody else or my children or anything like that so I'm like why would I say that to myself yeah anything competitive you know is it's easy to get in your head and there's so much mental um you know such of a mental part to it but I would think golf over all a lot over a lot of sports is so mental and I love that that there I didn't even occur to me that there was mental coaches mental Heth or not mental health but mental coaches for golf you know for I guess for mindfulness kind of thing um and I know you know that movie Bagger Vance oh yeah Legend ofg yeah one of my favor yeah so you know so I I'm sure you know this but so that's based off of um the uh the holy book The the Bata Vita Vita did I say that right bagata Vita anyway it's like the Hindu holy book or just agree with you measer yeah yeah sure you know you know they're all about that's all about the you know mindfulness and uh and that kind of thing I think that's really cool you know what what is it about golf that that makes it so intense when it comes to mentality for golf it's like in every other sport that you play You're basically reacting right like if somebody passes you the ball in basketball you're catching you're shooting you're not thinking right in golf we have so much time between each shot we have so many things coming in our minds that's like you know and then you get over shot and it's funny because in golf what I've learned is like when you get nervous like our cortisol lals go up right you get in the flight flight or flight fight fight or flight right and what happens is if that gets too high you you lose the sense of like it's a motor cortex you lose that ability to do something right it's like you're driving down the road you can drive and drive for four hours and not even think and you like lost your time of like lost your sense of time right in golf to get in the zone is what we call it like you want to play with your um unconscious mind right like in basketball Jason you remember when you couldn't miss you weren't thinking of your stroke you weren't thinking of I need to get over here again you just reacted and it it's like it's a 55 gallon drum yep as opposed to a small whatever the cylinder is yep absolutely in gol in golf it's so hard to do that because you have so much time in between each shot each shot will take 20 30 seconds and then you're done and you got couple minutes to walk and you know check this out and do that but but you do get in the zone and golf I've been there quite a few I was there recently not too long ago which is fun because you're just you're not thinking of everything else and in golf if you're thinking of 50,000 things you're not going to do good I don't care how good we've had some highlevel professional athletes on here and Rick Barry comes to mind uh greatest fouth shooter hands down in my opinion all time he was talking about technique and it's not mindless but it's just muscle memory and then it's preparation I think what separates golf for me than most other sports and I agree with you but I'm going to liken it to fishing that three iron that goes x amount of distance yeah you're fine and dandy but when you got wind blowing at you 25° you're you're 1,800 feet above sea level and now you're even or you know you're in 7,000 F feet elevation that golf ball travels further so I think the challenge to golf is is I you know I know I that I'm not even going to mention my yardage because I'm so out of it but point I'm making is is like that club travels this far but how good am I let me ask you a question I'm going to throw you a random softball question then I want to take it a little bit different path with you tiger said something that I had never heard before but his dad was saying let me get this right if I remember the quote right tiger was saying that his dad was big on a clock tiger likened his calibration of his yardage with if I'm at 9:00 on my back swing on the wedges talk talk a little bit about what that means to the common folks that have never really played golf and it might help them out it's it's kind of like a clock system right if you're looking at a person head on right like here's 12 and there's six right or yeah 12 and six right so if I like take my now people do it differently with the clock system they either use like how far they want the club head to go back or how far their hands go back right so if want to put my hands at like 9:00 and make a swing how far does that go and it's just something that kind of okay that's the feeling of that right like uh Bryson D Shambo who won the US Open last year is very big on the clock system he does he does everything from oh it's 8 o'clock it's nine o'clock it's 8:30 it's it's slightly
below 10:30 you know and this guy's great one of the best players in the world obviously but yeah it's just a simple feeling of like okay from here to here creates this distance for me you know I have a full shot I have like a three quarter shot and then I have like a choke down on the club shot and then I kind of go but I'm a big field player like big around the greens is my best part of my game like I'm very good short game it's like on the old video games like yes yeah exactly you wait till gets hit hit the button Nick Nick to put this guy into perspective um not Ezra but this Bryson guy he's so detail oriented Ezra you can correct me but he takes like 50 golf balls and puts them in a bowl of water and the way that they spin he'll reject certain balls I'm not saying Ezra is not sophisticated I'm not trying to compare the two but but this dude this dude is like and then he has this machine that I saw the other day that he's working on launch angle with and he's got this machine that's almost a robot and it gives him feedback and he's just he's just but the game the game and technology has taken it so let's let's take a step let's take a step away from golf a lot of times people have you know the the that's where this person is let's reminisce just a little bit man when we played some basketball and we were kind of on the team or opponents tell the tell the tell the audience at large that listens to US Weekly what type of player I was when we played 20 years ago you were a guy that he he I bet you I mean we we played hundreds of games and this guy was the guy that would get in your head more than anybody I ever met in my life but Jason I've seen people swing on Jason and Jason would be like hey I don't want you know he wasn't he wasn't soft or anything he would go at you to get you pissed off because he knew that that would throw you out of your game he did that to me and I would get so mad I'm like man I want to fight this guy so bad you know he would get so mad he would he would do stuff like you go up for a rebound and he would like put his his head underneath your chin or something like that just little kind of like a Draymond Green or a Dennis Rodman kind of stuff because Jason wasn't very athletic but he could shoot the ball he could defend and he would piss you off he was a guy that you always wanted on your team always so he could get you on tilt for the rest of the game oh my good all the time I used to I'm telling you I can't count how many times there was somebody that was swinging on him or wanted to fight him and and he knew we were GNA win that game when we do that and it's funny because we're just playing pickup games at Indiana State you know but but Jason was a competitor 100% 100% competitor he wanted to win no matter what he does just like all of us no matter what we do we want to do it 100% like every time I do something like I want to do and it's hard for me to like when I'm playing my children in golf like I try to give them handicaps right so I let them have a chance to win but I'm never I never let them win if they win they win but I never you know a lot of Truth to that man you know when you're when you're raising a child I'm so proud of you man I tip my cap and just so the audience knows if I'm writer GE graphically are you about 10 hours down into Mexico no I'm about 15 15 okay I was off I was off okay yeah I'm in state of you're you're 15 hours down there but just the values that you instill in your children which is like you said man like you're not going to beat me just because you're younger you're going to prove to me that you know you you do so I think um I think um you know I'm very proud of you for that but I think I think when you look at entrepreneur the golf you know a lot of people look at people's lifestyle and you're like man I've always looked at that and I'm like man you got the business World figured out you're getting to golf and do what you love man you're very blessed to have that how is Faith how how has faith for you personally been a part of your journey well back in 20189 I kind of uh I left religion right I left religion and I started to read the Bible on my own and I found out so many things and anybody listens this podcast I would I would have you go and you read the Bible from the beginning to end and don't let anybody influence you right and you'll find out so many things that you were taught in religion in Christianity and Catholicism that they were lies and that's kind of like you know why I live the way I do today you know because I studied on my own and had the father kind of guide me and I prayed and prayed and prayed and had him you know show me and it's like all these things that I so many things you know and we can get true so true you know there there's so many Christian well not just Christians but in all kinds of different religions that they say this is right and this is wrong and if you ask him why like I don't know cuz because that's what the preacher says you know that's what the minister says I love I love that yeah yeah and that's that's why I I'm going to share some videos with you guys later that have you guys kind of watch them but but anyways no my faith is so important to me and that's what we try to instill in our our uh our children like we that's why we're very different like we don't celebrate certain holidays we don't celebrate any of the holidays we we have a Shabbat that we follow every week we don't eat certain foods we don't follow any religion we just want to do what the Messiah did basically you know yeah love love people love it yeah so I I I think that's uh I think that's very important because you know the you know you're not looking for credit you're looking for like you know it's it's nice to see how far we've come let's just say that when you knew me when you knew me in teror hod I was you know I was I was early 20s you know I was still a Hellraiser like to have a good time it's like you miss those days but you don't miss you don't miss where your mind was at that time you know what I mean I I I I love helping people I love talking to people I love boosting people it's great to hear an entrepreneurial you know a golf story a success story um let me give you one opportunity that I want you to throw some sponsors then I'm going to have Nick send you out here but um talk to me a little bit about my dad always used the term Country Club kid okay I'm not afraid to say it it's the kid that's 7 years old that has a $1,500 King Cobra driver I know that was old school but what I'm saying is is like I'm not asking you to say too much but give the audience a little bit about um how you've had to work your way up the ranks playing at 20 is one thing but working your way up the ranks to where you are now and then I'm going to follow that up with one other question yeah I mean I grew up public courses like grow up as in in my 20s right like playing Ray part Golf Course hman Links golf course just around Tero and I practice and played every single day and honestly I probably practice and played too much you know now I practice and play less and I'm playing some of the best golf in my life you know because it's for me it's more about mental because I can go out there and hit every single shot you asked me to it's just getting my mental shot my mental game prepared for tournaments but um I think that I think you and I talked about this I think it's harder for those children that grow up with everything right like hey I want you to become a golfer I want you to do this I want you to be a basketball player you know you're going the camps you have this you have every thing that you need um and then guys like myself like I didn't have money to play so what did I had to do I had to go work at golf courses like golf has always been expensive but it's not as expensive as most people say like there's in the US we're very blessed to have a lot of courses that are public that you can go and practice and play for free well practice for free right at the putting green or chipping green to play you obviously got to pay but you know um I think it's just like I hope I'm not turning my children into those country club kids you know that have everything have good grubs good everything you know but I try to tell them you got to be very um what's the word I'm looking for um humble yeah very humble yeah of what you do have because I especially here in Mexico only really the Uber Rich can play golf here you know I'm not Uber Rich by Anyan not even be close but um to play golf here is is Affordable for me right in my family when we go to the US it'll still be affordable we'll find a a private course to play at but you know but um but yeah I think it's so important for me because I didn't have anything and I wanted to work at it you know I didn't I was sleeping in my car before I met my wife working three jobs I was working at Papa John's I was cading and then I was selling things on eBay and just trying to save up as much money as I can you know and all praise to the most high that he blessed me with this with this business that I have now and I can bless others and help others and you know and pay for what I've wanted to do and play professionally now I don't get to play as many tournaments as I like because I live here in Mexico and my wife doesn't like for me to leave that often so but when we go to the US hopefully next year we'll be in the US and then maybe it'll change depending on what's going on in this world you know so it's a great story boss I I know your family your family are some of the nicest people the very accommodating it I know how proud they are of you it's just great to see a person that's actually a genuinely good person that's changed that's now grown up into you know a just a great a great friend great mentor overall from that um let me give you an opportunity uh to mention maybe some sponsors or some help that you've had along the way just because I think that's important for the audience to hear you know in golf man I think it's so important to have help because it's expensive the the equipment is expensive right and if you if you're a professional you pretty much need the best you know it's hard to play with something that's not that good you know so Srixon has helped me since I've been working in the golf industry uh indirectly through through different people and stuff like that but they've sent me balls gloves hats numerous times throughout my years of playing Wilson golf has helped me as well they sent me clubs last year some balls great great great equipment um let's see I want to shout out my coach uh Blake ianson uh isacson sorry at uh right balance golf he and I have been working together for about three or four months now um Larry Rinker who helped me last year who was through right balance as well he played on the PGA tour for quite a few years him and his sister played on she played on the LPGA um Dr David Wright who is the inventor of the right balance Golf and baseball so you should go check that out right balance golf um I think that's about it but I I've over the years Jason's dad helped me play in tournaments back in the day Jason helped me I couldn't think of how many people's helped me since I've played tournaments you know whether it's just to give me 100 bucks here or there to play in a tournament or a couple hundred or whatever it was I truly want to say thank you to those guys and now that's why I try to help as many people as I can um I have some people that's interested in sponsor me this upcoming season so I'm going to try to do Q school for the PJ tour um and September it's around $10,000 for everything but hopefully it it pay out I had somebody that was going to help me last year but it didn't work out um so we'll see you know it's expensive if you want to play professionally it's very expensive you know so yeah but Ezra where where can uh where can people find you if they want to learn more about your lifestyle more about your um your video game consoles um more about your your uh spiritual walk you know where where can people find you um the business is retro games toys and Nostalgia um my Facebook book is Ezra Benjamin Evans I believe I forget it um we'll make sure we get the the correct one on there yeah I think this exact same thing on Instagram and I just opened up a Tik Tok and I really don't do much on that but I don't know if I will but um those two instam for us ad ADHD people you know like okay this is perfect you know just a few seconds scroll scroll scroll yeah so um yeah and I could uh I can give you information if anybody wants to contact me help with sponsor stuff like that that'd be great um I can give you my email if you guys like that um we can do put for sponsorships and things yeah um hey Ezra thank you so much for uh for being with us today it was a pleasure having you on um hope to hope to talk again soon thank you guys thank you for having me I appreciate it