Mosaic Minds Podcast
Welcome to Mosaic Minds. A lifestyle podcast with multiple perspectives. Hosted by Nick Williams & Jason Yocum. We talk and interview guests about everything from self-improvement, fitness, and mental health to sports and tattoos. The end goal is always to get a listener/viewer to see another perspective.
Mosaic Minds Podcast
Year In Review | The Guests and Lessons That Made 2024 | Episode 49
2024 has been a transformative year for Mosaic Minds Podcast, and in this special episode, Nick and Jason reflect on the guests and moments that defined their journey. Highlights include:- Bob Netolicky: ABA legend sharing stories of the Pacers, Elvis, and the Dropping Dimes Foundation. Dr. Julie Bosler: A heartfelt conversation on mental health and her powerful backpack analogy. Den Den: Celebrating his love for Indianapolis and his uplifting videos. M. Curtis McCoy: Transforming the podcast’s growth with SEO and marketing insights. Pat Rose & Camden Smith: A wrestling and music legacy shared by father and son. Brigitte Ortiz: A record-breaking guest promoting Bad Apples and repping Indianapolis. This year-in-review episode is a tribute to the incredible guests and loyal viewers who’ve made Mosaic Minds Podcast thrive. From lessons learned to relationships built, Nick and Jason share their gratitude and excitement for what’s to come in 2025. Thank You! To our guests, viewers, and supporters—thank you for being part of this journey. If you have guest suggestions or topics you’d like to see in 2025, let us know!
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hey welcome to episode 49 of Mosaic Minds podcast obviously you can count but next episode will be episode 50 and we have been around for almost a year now so we have definitely beat most podcasts I think the average life of because there's podcasts that start all the time and I think the average life of a podcast is like 3 months something like that but uh yeah so we beat the odds we've made it almost a year it'll be a year February 13th and I wanted to intro this myself so that no one was confused so basically me and Jason are going to talk about the evolution of Mosaic Minds over the past 11 months uh we're going to talk about some of our favorite episodes some of our favorite guests and we want to start it with the original intro uh with our original Three hosts and all that so whenever I played the intro I didn't want every want to get confused so let's go ahead and Dive Right In welcome to Mosaic Minds the podcast where every episode is a colorful blend of perspectives ideas and conversations each week our diverse team of hosts brings their unique backgrounds experiences and interests to the table Mosaic Minds is your invitation to join the conversation to see the world through a kaleidoscope of viewpoints so grab a seat tune in and let the mosaic unfold before you all right so I just wanted to play the intro from the original one you know something I just noticed is Crystal is wearing the the hoodie that I have on right now interesting didn't realize that yeah very cool so yeah so when we first started we had three there's three of us and um and that was fun and it started out with just like like you were saying like Round Table discussions and that kind of thing and then um and then we finally started to get guests and that's when it got a little more interesting I wish that Crystal could have been on a little longer just so she could have seen some of the she never really got to see much of the success you know like she she hopped off before we really started getting a lot of subscribers but I'm going to make sure I tag her in this too so she can you know take a trip down memory lane but yeah that was fun but yeah our first guest was Todd Hedges and he was the middle-aged and creeped out yeah what was cool about Todd being a guest is he'd already done this a little bit on his own had his own Niche and uh allowed us just to be part of it and he was a natural guest gave some good advice to the uh to the crowd and uh you know couldn't have went any better I think for our first one with a Live guest um so I just wanted to talk about some of the more favorites as I'm scrolling down through here one of the one of the ones that was the early ones that I really liked and I think that you liked it too is the uh Simpsons predictions that we did and that was that was we didn't have a guess then that was again just the three of us and then you know just pulling up some clips from from different things on The Simpsons Homer discovered the God particle which is the formula for where mass comes from in the universe and that's new I don't know anything about that so scientists confirmed it in 2012 and there's an episode where he literally like has the equation written on a chalkboard in 1998 the exact equation yeah yes that's wild man that's I think something something evil about this yeah that one that was what did you think of that one the lineage of that her research was phenomenal for that episode given the specific cases but the one that always stuck with me is the Chicago Cubs being a lifetime Cubbies fan they had the mezzanine outside of Wrigley Field with the exact year and the fact that they had won the World Series and historically it turned out to be right you know when Chris Bryant fired over to Rizzo and the Cubs won the World Series the had predicted that many years before the actual out last out of the World Series so then you remember our first I'd say our first what I considered to be Big Time guest you know like celebrity kind of thing was when we had Bob Niki on right and that was that was really cool so Bob Nik you go ahead and talk a little bit about Bob and and what he's known for Bob played for the ABA the Indiana Pacers um ABA franchise from I believe 67 to 76 local rockar star he had netos that was a nightclub kind of bar a lot of celebrities went in there uh he talked about owning an ocelate which is a kind of an African cat I believe and then hanging out with Elvis Presley when he was in town uh ladies were banging on his car asking where Elvis was and he said hold hold on I'll see him after the concert here in about three or four hours so just a rock star on and off the court very relatable and just had some phenomenal stories about the yester Year's stars there in the ABA in 1969 we made the playoffs okay and we were playing Kentucky in 1969 this is the second year in the league and we were down it was tied and the seventh game was in Indianapolis and we were a 10-point underdunk and they had a really good team back then and uh little did any of us know but the ownership group of the Pacers met that morning with bankruptcy attorneys and had we lost that game they folding the team the next day into c b man wow so what was cool about Bob was even though he was a celebrity he he was really down to earth and he was the because of him I feel like that he was the start of of me thinking that nobody was off limits you know like that we could get anybody on there after him because it was just like wow you know like he super down to earth I believe that we were even kind of texting him back and forth right you know and it's like well we got like a famous basketball players's number in our phone kind of thing you know it's cool definitely humble definitely professional definitely had some rock star stories couldn't have had a better first you know kind of professional uh camera and lights type person in the NBA or celebrity Arena and he's the one that introduced us you know there's been a lot of episodes that we've talked about the dropping dimes Foundation he's the one that first introduced at least me to that I don't know if you'd heard of it before I'd never heard of it because I'm pretty sure that when he was talking about it I called it the uh uh marching dimes Foundation and he didn't correct me or anything so this episode this was the most we'd ever gotten right and I mean this is and this is great this is good but we had 1.8 th000 views and I think at the time we had what like 600 700 subscribers something like that so now we are at 6.89 th000 subscribers and if we look at our most recent
video well I'm going to cheat a little bit our most recent video just came out so instead I'm going to look at the second most recent video which just happened to be our highest um amount of views that we've had yet and that was uh Bridget Bridgit Ortiz and she's in the she's starring in a movie called bad apples and she was promoting the movie 6.2 th000 views that's the most that we've ever gotten so part of it you know we want we want to say good job Bri right because absolutely she definitely get some credit for that but um we also got to give ourselves a pat on the back because you know it's we're going on a year and regard we could have put you know Obama or something like that on there and I doubt we would have gotten 6,000 views when we first started right don't you think that's fair to say yeah I think it was cool too because that that story and that guest has a personal connection to Indianapolis with bad apples being uh filmed in Indianapolis throughout the city uh kind of repping the 317 so I think that's a cool aspect of it as well but uh she's been very successful entrepreneurially you know uh on the runway and and on the screen so uh she's she's a very successful very humble and is doing great things out in the entertainment Community the next big one that we that we had was uh Pat Rose and again not being a sports guy I didn't know Pat Rose had to had to look him up and research him but man what a what a guy we recently had his son on on here Camden who's kind of following in his footsteps doing the wrestling thing and also doing music but D Pat was just such an amazing guy I mean like everything about him he was just he was real he was you know kind of tenderhearted kind of guy yeah and he he showed up on the on the show with his uh with his wrestling mask on that's what that's what I'm trying to find here absolutely ladies and gentlemen making his way to the ring standing at an opp in height and weighing in at an all inspiring 235 lb here he comes a force to be reckoned with a Colossus of the canvas the one the only Pat Rose and Jason you knew Pat before that right like that's how you got Pat go ahead and tell that story I did Pat through Seth the hook uh an ESPN syndicated program talks uh typically with a wrestler a small bait company and then he talks uh uh fishing to an Elite Series or uh BSS or FLW Elite Series uh tournament angler and uh super nice guy what's stuck to me about Pat is is he intros the show with the national anthem and outros the show with a specific Bible verse um man of High character man that'll uh lay his feelings you know right on his sleeves and just a a great-hearted kind gentle giant is what I what I would call Pat definitely let me let me mention something that we do and been doing it since day one first we open up with the national an at the end we close with this right here Matthew 4:19 and he said unto them follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men here's the catch to it the greatest catch that you and I can make is when someone gets hooked on the love of Jesus Christ oh wow boom now wow when they start saying Pat Rose you can't say that we move on we move on yes sir yeah yeah it was cool it is he don't care you know like he'll he was he would say whatever and then shortly after pat Rose we had our next I guess what you consider a superstar right uh we had um Rick Barry who was known for the the underhand free throw you were talking about earlier about confidence and how important that is you know there's a lot of words out there right now that people love to throw out and are misused but you're obviously a very confident guy so where would you say how would you distinguish between confidence and I know that you probably heard the word back in the day arrogance used where would you where would you draw draw the line between the two of those compliment to you you're the first person in all these years that that actually understands that that's that's the yeah I've been called arrogant okay I am not an arrog person an arrogant person to me is someone who really lacks confidence in themselves and it's a camouflage mechanism to hide the fact that they're scared shitless okay arrogant anybody is an arrogant person they're [ __ ] okay because they don't have the confidence that they need to have I'm an extremely confident individual and that scares the hell out of people right now tell me you now you were and you still pretty you pretty much are the the person that does all most of our booking right I mean like we both kind of hop on there and talk to him but you pretty much do most of the booking but especially there at the very beginning so tell me how how did you get Rick Barry and and how how did that come about it's a funny story I have a fishing lure company called boing lures and Rick Barry had posted a photo I believe it was a salmon that was making that run that had the beautiful uh red on it and I just simply made the comment uh hey you know do you fish and uh next thing you know he responds back to me and I'm kind of Star Struck cuz I'm like man this a top 50 NBA Hall of Famer of all time and uh likes to fish and then one thing led to another and I said we have a podcast would you like to be on he said yes and I talk about a guy that's been in the Limelight for a lot of years and one of the highest uh free throw percentages in the history of the uh NBA famous for the underhand free throw stroke and uh he kind of broke it down to us and that that that episode meant a lot to me because he was humble enough to let our son be on my son uh be on he got to ask him a couple key questions so I thought that that was kind of a nice uh nice kind of bow to having a you know a famous Hall of Fame level basketball player on let's uh I forgot about that that Harrison was was on that time yeah yeah that was cool that was cool because he was one of Harrison's you know someone he really looked up to right so obviously like you're up there free throw shooters with like the greats of Steph Curry Larry Bird Steve Nash and obviously you had a very unique Style with the underhand shot why do you think no one else has picked up on that since you were so lethal like such a lethal shooter in that like with that form I I I wish I had the answer to it I don't know it makes no sense whatsoever it's proven by physicist to be the most efficient way and the best way to shoot free throws least amount of moving parts and yet nobody wants to do it because they're worried about the way that they look who the hell cares how you look the whole try to shoot the highest percentage you can I mean if I could have stood there with my back to the basket with a blindfold on and thrown them over my head and made a higher percentage I would have done it that way I was going to do it the way that made the highest percentage possible I was able to do that I just wish I was smart enough to have changed my technique earlier in my career which I did late in my career and I still think I am the best because Steph I think is the best around 92% but my last six years I shot over 92% my last two years I shot over 94% from the free throw line and I'll brag about it because it's the only part of the game of basketball that you can be selfish and help your team and my youngest son Kyon playing now he's been as high as 90% he is shooting them underhanded okay and then one of them that we one of them we had was one that I think you were at a fishing tournament and so you you weren't a part of that one but I know that you I know that you watched it um and this this guy was a a real character and that was the uh um the OG of pickup artists um Ross Jeff and he he was hard to interview you know like because he was very he he knew how to took take control of the room you know like he he could definitely hijack the conversation and put you back down where he thought you deserved to go so let me let me find can't play a whole lot of his but me find let me see if I can find a clip please allow me to answer your question um respectfully please I want to be able to answer Vol said the famous French philosopher and playwright and comedian and political commentator yeah so he he was a he was a difficult one to to interview because you know as as interviewers you can't really let the the guest take over the conversation but okay so shortly after um shortly after we at Ross Jeff was on we had the one that I kind of thought was I was the most excited about probably up to that point because I knew who he was and because he was you know all Tik Tock famous and stuff but that was uh when we had denden on Indianapolis where who just eat tend the size of your back [ __ ] from Indianapolis where if you ride down 16th Street you know that [ __ ] to scary you [ __ ] I'm from Indianapolis man and we don't love these hoes[ __ ] I'm from Indianapolis man and these ain't the real high PR these [ __ ] are right hereit I'm from Indianapolis and if the afri have register you don't want [ __ ] Indianapolis and if you ain't never had Christian fried chicken out west you tripping[ __ ] like I try to go get some hot dogs at Kroger and it was people just talking about me like I didn't hear it you know that's that guy from Mr like yeah I'm that guy from Instagram you mind if we take a picture and we taking a picture and then somebody else come pass and be like [ __ ] I turn around and never imagine sitting on front rows of anything let alone um I guess I'm from Indianapolis hashtag when everybody Googled Indianapolis I was the first person it came upe and started looking at all the videos I mean I was walking up to people like can I have an autograph and they was like [ __ ] the I'm like huh like like the the dude that's playing Draymond Green in the Clippers in the Clipper series on um FX he was he was buying me all kind of drinks and and food and stuff he was just hanging he was like man I watched your videos all night long and you know Terrell Owens and uh shout out to David Bell and um big dwan Jones from Cleveland um Browns they from Indian I was just hanging with these people man I would never imagine that a year what was your what was your takeaway of of denend Den's episode I think he deserves what he gets man he loves the city that he lives in all he wants to see is picking up the city we live in the 317 the 463 and uh the takeaway that I had for that was interesting and I've told a lot of people since then is is the guy had a basketball ticket to the NBA Allstar game it was a 10,000 15,000 plus Dollar seat given to but then the honor that I think he should be most proud of is the fact that he can go to Long's Donuts and walk in the back door and actually get the donuts handed to me does why yes um first off my mom one day me and my mother was going to get something to eat and she told me to videotape it because I was a photographer videographer so I videotaped it and I just did a little simple voice over and the next day it was like a 100,000 views and I was like whoa so then I had got the attention of some TV people so they had gave me a show called breakfast lunch and D which I was just doing chel 40 and I was doing commercials for them first just like different businesses and then the beginning of the year that's when I was gonna start the show it was kind of going to be like triple D um long story short I lost my mom uh end up finding out I had cancer two or three months later said I was GNA take a break one day did the Indianapolis video and it just changed my entire life wow some love to denden a little shout out cuz he has been he has been battling cancer and I think he just finished um around of chemo a few months back if I remember right so hope you're doing good denen if you're watching this yeah the love from the city man's there for you whenever you post something no matter uh if you're having a rough day or a tough day or a great day the love for the the love for you is evident by the the comments that you see we're all thinking about you we're all praying for you we're all wishing and looks like you got a new project I believe it's called 4 uh 46205 if I'm not mistaken the little many videos around Indianapolis so you know 2025 is your year man you're going to kick it and uh go on to uh go on to do what you were doing in 2024 and Beyond yeah you can handle this last one man so keep people laughing is what I'm going to send you off with man but we just got to we just got to hear it live man we got to hear your uh your Cadillac pronunciation of the word starts with an S and ends with a T to just give us a prop 317 Indianapolis denden send off what it do nwn it's your boy Big D chilling like a villain on his beautiful day [ __ ] bam right on man hey thanks so much you I really appreciate it all right appreciate y'all good work man have a good rest of your day man you kicked it you too man appreciate you all right man that's cool but one thing one thing cool about dinden is he is he's very about supporting the city and all of his videos have to do with supporting you know the different restaurants and establishments around Indianapolis um especially like Urban Indianapolis like downtown you know like Inner City kind of thing and and he's a I from what I understand Jason I think you know a little bit more about this than I do but from what I understand he um people pay him to come and do promotions for their restaurants and that sort of thing right yeah I think when you lift up the city and you go to the certain places and uh have the following you do it's nice to see that individual entrepreneur or restaurant or dessert shop you know benefit from that but it's also nice to see someone that can get that message out to the masses because a lot of the places I personally looked at that looks like new Kine that you know I haven't personally tried and he's doing a phenomenal job with the promos yeah great guy and then I can't just because she's so amazing um you know she may not a lot of people may not know she is but I think she prefers it that way because she's so humble but she um I I can't I couldn't go on without mentioning Julie you know Dr Bosler she was she was amazing and in my she'll be a lifelong friend you know she's someone that I I would I'll text occasionally um I believe she was one on my list of Merry Christmas texts that I sent out you know just a just a great person she real quick clip of her and what what I liked about that episode was that episode was about mental health and you know so I really that was the first big episode on Mental Health that we had done and I'm sitting in the car and I realize I say to my daughter my youngest is in the back seat my oldest is in the front seat and I think I shared this with you and every every time I say this you see I tear up every every time I say this it tugs at me because this was the life altering moment for me I said to my daughters they're in the car and I had picked them up from practice coming from the therapist and they had sat in the doctor's office with me while they're prescribing this medication and I said you know just so y'all know like you know we don't we're not really talking about this you know I'm on medication We're Not Gonna um we're not going to talk about this with your friends you know you don't need to mention it they were like and I my high school my senior in high school now was ller and I remember her saying um these are her exact words Nick don't worry Mommy you're Secret Safe With Us oh and at that moment I had this I I still feel it when I tell the story I had this shame fall over me like oh my gosh I have just redirected my shame to my children I have just taught them in this moment
don't tell anybody yeah that's good yeah she's wonderful wonderful lady you're watching Julie we love you I think the solid illustration that she gave that stuck with me was the uh removing weight from the backpack so you always constantly have to be removing weight from your backpack and when the backpack's too full of weight then that's when you need to not be too prideful and reach out for help so I've actually used that several times in my life actually since she's been a guest so I think that was very uh right like you're always going to have little rocks yep you know what I mean and yeah yep a big I'd say one of the and it's interesting that it was about halfway through um episode 31 so not quite a little little further than halfway through but we had M Curtis McCoy on who's become one of our good friends um but I feel like his episode was a turning point for the show uh after his episode he helped he helped us with um learning a little bit about search engine optimization how to drive drive views to your video and things like that um but he has been I mean correct me if I wrong wrong but he's been a big I'd say a big uh turning point in our in our show I 100% agree just the humility that he has the contacts that he has the the selflessness that he has you know willing to share his techniques his procedures um just on a big level you know newswire magazine has been huge um you know and just help helping helping everybody progress and kind of um you know expand their next Horizon over the next 12 18 months yeah if you haven't heard of M Curtis McCoy just Google him he'll he'll be the only thing that shows up for like 100 pages I was a guest on guys show uh couple years ago here I I'm doing six plus interviews a day right now but couple years ago I was a guest pretty early on and I was talking about the abuse and you know overcoming brain cancer diabetes and growing up with my dad handing me a P told me to do the world of favor those kind of things and I'm thinking man this is some groundbreaking you know trauma stuff that this you know it's really gonna Inspire the audience they can do whatever they want in their life and so this kid started sharing how he had grown up been you know his mom had stabbed him in the kitchen with or stabbed him in in the kidney with a steak knife and saw off one of his fingers with a with a steak Knife before he was taken away by child protected services and then up in foster home after foster home talked about being molested and raped by multiple different men that were supposed to be taking care of him and stuff and this is a guy that has achieved a lot in his life super successful but that was kind of a moment there when I was going you know what this guy I looked at him because he's a leader because he's accomplished all this crazy stuff but then as he opened up and started sharing yeah I went through a little bit of that kind of stuff as a kid too and hearing his story thinking I need to quit Focus focusing on the negative stuff that happened to me and realize that's just an excuse if you're not you know if you're using your past as some kind of excuse that's that's your fault you know you can't control what happened to you but you control what happens from now on yeah he's the owner of newswire magazine great guy uh you should definitely check him out if you haven't if you haven't already if you don't already know who he is and then the next one that we want to mention is Rob berson also a good friend of us and also a good friend of ours and the shows um he had a really interesting talk about um how he uses AI which is something I'm super fascinated in like chat gbt and things like that to um get off-market housing lists and get those out to different customers and also he just does a lot of a free because he enjoys it you know he always has something in the works he's kind of like all over the place like I am you know like shiny object syndrome and all that so yeah great guy you I can really relate to him quite a bit um I expect that we'll do some more things with him in the future yeah okay so I get I'm so weird I love getting weird with stuff so like I put together like a uker club and um just like yeah right of course you do because you're from the Midwest right yeah yeah and it's all it's all Midwest people right Michigan Indiana all of us like and it was great and I like just started putting putting it together I put it out on Reddit like Hey we're gonna be here and it got huge but then it started being like a lot of work and then I was like I don't even want to go and then I just stopped going going and like we I we tossed the Baton over I think it's kind of died off but it was like really cool reaching out and like you know a lot of those people were like looking for an excuse to leave the house and you could tell it was like the highlight of their week uh it like I don't know I like doing that kind of stuff but I ended up meeting like a lot of people to talk real estate with or like I don't know I love hearing about what other people like other Industries are like struggling with and like thinking how like how do you fit things in to make it like work for everybody what sticks to me about Rob is he said something very profound the guy is so busy that he doesn't plan his day and by midday his calendar so full he can't handle it so I think that tell that speaks to his Innovation speaks to his uh willingness to help in real estate and off-market on Market stuff but more importantly just an allaround genuine person very animated speaker if if you watch that episode you got to watch the hand movements cuz he really likes and uh he's spirited he's a high energy uh definitely has some good real estate and away from the real estate market as a as an individual absolutely we we mentioned earlier when we were talking about one of our very our first like Superstar guest Bob Niki we mentioned the dropping dimes foundation and uh shortly after Rob's episode um Jason was able to get um Darnell Hillman he was the first uh ABA slim Dunk champion yeah he was the first ABA slim Dunk champion right um and we had him because he's a he's really involved in the dropping dimes foundation and we had the the president of the dropping dimes Foundation Scott Tarter on and they spoke about that and kind of you know the um the the um disservice that was done to the ABA players after the ABA kind of fizzled out even though technically it's still around I guess but after the NBA took over you know they didn't get their pensions they they didn't get their benefits and all that and so a lot of the former ABA players who in today's world would be you know even if they were on the bench they'd probably be they'd be millionaires um you know some of them are homeless help his name was Charles Jordan he played here in town uh believe he and I played together on the 7677 team and um Charles left the NBA and went over to Italy and played over there he was over there for about 27 28 years well he fell upon some hard physical times and his sister was was able to get him back here to America and once she got him back here I was working for the Pacers at that time and she reached out to me to see if we could assist with getting Charles some shoes and maybe a warm-up suit something with some Pacers logo on it and dropping dimes was just getting off to start then so I told her about uh reaching out to dropping dimes and they reached out to dropping dimes and Scott and the Gang were able to help him they took him over to what was that the Big and Tall store yeah big and tall store got him outfitted with suits and shoes and all the Necessities that he needed and it really brought up his Spirit it made him feel comfortable again feel like a human being again and that's where that would be my first story and seeing how we did that and just the launch on that I knew we were into something that was going to go pretty good dropping dimes with Scott tarar and Darnell Hillman as our guest was very very heart-wrenching I mean you've got guys that have since made millions that are very comfortable but you've got just as many guys in that mid 70s range uh years old that are struggling financially you know they might need a knee replacement they may need Dental Care they just may need encouragement or a roof over their head I think advocating for what they feel is right with the pensions is the biggest thing for dropping dimes they recently had a uh I'm going to call it a document documentary uh discussing that we'll put a link up for that here on our video but just uh just advocating for it doing what's right and uh working for those players uh that need the help I think it's a strong strong Community uh strong Avenue and not leaving any of your brothers behind on the basketball quarter off after their careers have long been over yeah great message and you know like a lot of people haven't heard of the dropping dimes foundation so you know it's a something that we try to get out there when we can to help them out we had um somebody that Jason kind of knew of from the fishing World Stevie Lee um her name's Stephanie McKenna but she goes by Stevie Lee um and she is a uh especially on Instagram but she's an influencer and what she does is she posts picture she's a big time um anger and she posts pictures of the fish that she catches uh one of the one of the cool things that I took out of her interview was when we asked her um what she would what kind of advice would she give to somebody that was wanting to possibly you know become an influen who are wanting to uh kind of follow in that path especially when it came to fishing if you want to be taken seriously don't don't look like a hoe on your insta yeah don't have your butt cheeks hanging out don't don't I mean have like maybe a few bikini pictures whatever but like um really show that you care like Network um and be professional because no one is going to take you seriously they're just going to think that you're just a hot piece of ass who wants to get likes holding a fish but you really put the time in you save your money up you buy a boat and you you enter in these tournaments um and you post you know how you did and just kind of really just utilize the platform to um to help you network because honestly in in a professional way it's almost like I always say because my mom follows me on Instagram like I don't ever post anything I wouldn't want my mom to see or my boss to see like be profession if you want to be and if this individual wants to be taken seriously like act seriously and and I'm not saying that like fishing you have to be all serious and then it's not going to be fun like it's supposed it's going to be fun if that's what you want to do but like you're not going to be taken seriously if you're you have your butt cheeks hanging out and you look like you know an only fans Superstar holding a fish you know so that's really the best the best uh thing that I can say cuz yeah all class individual uh up in the Minnesota area uh there's send National sponsors listening to the Mosaic mides podcast she would be an excellent uh influencer uh does some great things termin angling uh off the water does some things has a unique sense of professionalism um very well Diversified in the fishing area fishes for some small mouth fishes for some musky uh very patient with some of the techniques that she discussed on as a as opposed to the power fishing which I think is interesting takes a lot of patience and dedication to that craft and I think on the water and off the water she's uh she's uh you know poed to have a successful 2025 year I don't know I would guess that probably not too many people know of Reggie Edwards but I feel like we have to mention Reggie Edward Reggie Edwards because he had a he was a really fun and fascinating guest he kind of he is what is I would say is described by the mosaic because he does you know he he does the um he does the music Hees he takes pictures of of different art uh mus musical artists anywhere from like Christian music artists to um Smashing Pumpkins to uh you know to anybody you know like hipop um rock all kinds of different different and he he's right there by the stage you know he said he can he can basically see them sweating um and then he's also and I'm going to let Jason talk a little more on this because he's been to um where he does this but he also plays a part in the wcwo right he also plays a part in the wcwo wrestling uh Arena where he actually writes the uh scripts or like kind of like the plotline you're back yeah yeah and that's how I got into wcwo I was only supposed to be be a ringside photographer for one show in August of 2020 and that was it and now here I am I'm still not sure how they pulled that off I swear they worked me the whole time um but yeah it started in college man I didn't know what I wanted to do for a career I had no idea I thought I wanted to be a social worker and then my girlfriend at the time pointed out that I don't do mornings very well and that's a very important part of that um so she brought up going to work for the school newspaper at Indiana State and one of my first assignments was photographing a concert Willie Nelson's son Lucas was playing in town in terot and took a camera and photographed the show and ended up hanging out with him on the tour bus afterwards and interviewed him yeah that was an experience WCW Outlaw wrestling great production a lot of fun family oriented they do some interesting stuff and uh I hope to be working about the time this airs with wcwo doing some kind of behind the- scenes promos you know asking the questions of the wrestlers you know and I think anytime you can get out there it's family fun it's oriented you're probably looking at a family of four costing under $50 and maybe throw a soda and some popcorn in there and you're proba sitting within you know 6 to 30 ft of the Ring um and it's uh definitely a small uh you know right on top of the Ring environment to take uh children friendly to those events and things I forgot you know and that's something that I always forget about too because that's that's pretty affordable went to the movies the other night cost me 80 bucks of course of course another transformative guest I would say I'm I think Jason would agree was uh when we had Brigham blackham on um Brigham is a master of Storytelling and he talks about the power of Storytelling as it relates to business as it relates to your personal life um just how how it's important to have animation and tonality and that kind of thing when you're when you're talking to people this brings up one of my favorite quotes in Chinese binza if you're not progressing you're digressing just like in theater your last show is the one that people remember in storytelling the last story that you told that's the one that people remember one of the reasons I like toast Masters and I and I I like a lot of different types of personal development Toast Masters is just one so this is not something that is exclusive there are lots of ways you can do it but I personally choose Toast Masters because they have a very simple program and it's tailored to what you want to do they have some specific skills and then you take those skills and apply it to your story it's not you have to talk about this specific element only no you come up with your stories your topics and they say here's a few different ways you can fill it out and and use this to polish your story so here's one that I'm going to be delivering tomorrow I'll give you a little three minute version of it and get excited about it so this was one of those moments a few years ago that I had my eyes opened and it it was honestly only probably 30 seconds of my life but it has influenced the way that I I look at at life you guys bought in you excited to hear this yeah absolutely let's get it last here during the slow season of my short-term rentals I was I was just really frustrated I was like where where am I going to go to make the last couple thousand bucks I need to to make sure I hit all of my rents make sure I have all my bills paid what do I need to do I went and I talked to my mom and she's like well you could come and do some odd jobs for us I was like all right I'm going to do some odd jobs she's like well come paint the the bathroom I like no problem I can paint the bathroom and do these random odd jobs and painting the bathroom getting all these Strokes in there making it look beautiful and I'd go do another one I'd mow mow their lawn and just all these random things while I was doing all these things there was one day that I was at my parents house I walk out to the shed which had all of our our Tools in it the paint supplies and I noticed the door was just slightly cracked open I was like huh that's weird I open the door I walk in and I hear this like like this weird buzzing sound I was like what the heck where where is that and I look up and I I'm like is this a June buz what is that there's this thing is bouncing really quickly off the ceiling and after I looked at it for a second it was I noticed it was a little hummingbird just a little hummingbird just bouncing its head off the ceiling it could not figure out how to get out of the shed and I was like well I'm going to try and catch this thing and get get him out of here so I opened the door really wide and I was like come get out I was like gesturing trying to make him go out there and he could not for the life of him figure out how to get out of the shed I was taking back how how easy it was for him to get in but how hard it was for him to get out it's almost like one of those little wasp traps they get in there and then even though the the way they came in is right there they can't figure out how to get out so I tried to swat out him with a broom to get him out and he he was too frantic to to go out so I got on these little gloves I had these garden gloves you know the rubber ones so just in case you know he don't poke me and make me bleed or something but I was tall enough I was able to kind of press Him Softly against the ceiling and cup him into my hands and when I when I looked at him his head he'd been bouncing off long enough I don't know if he had been in there a few hours or he'd been in there a whole day but his head like the feathers looked kind of flattened and you know in the ' 80s how they had those flat top haird yeah he had like a flat top as a as a hummingbird and I was looking at it and he he was so exhausted so exhausted and I I went outside and I opened my hand and he didn't immediately fly away it was almost like he turned to me and he said thank you so much I'm so glad I was in your hands he trust I know that Jason even had mentioned that he he used that at work right absolutely just uh keeping your diaphragm up and uh you know I do better when I sit up straight I do better when my hands are moving he does all of those things so when I work at a school and I speak with someone you have to be high but the story is really not about you it's about what is their story and how does it connect with you as an admissions adviser to help them move forward with the passion that they have so he was inspirational uh has some very successful guests I believe he does something called level up if I'm not mistaken and uh does a great job with the animation and the energy of uh you know telling a story across the microphone yeah we can't we can't go anywhere we can't move forward without talking about Michael Ford AKA DJ twist money because he is actually the one that um he provided us with this bumper music that you heard at the beginning of this episode um so he is a he you know he makes his Beats and all that but not only that the way that I'm gonna let Jason tell it but the way that Jason knows him is through the uh the fishing world yeah if you have anything that you need prototyped uh 3D fishing wise he would be your guy uh the guy makes uh mats for your like your welcome mats when you come over he makes these uh I'm going to call him like a keychain or a fob that allows you to go right to your social media presence through a scan of your phone I mean it's some great stuff what it looks like does great in the DJ world he received a an award down in Georgia I believe um you know and not only does well in the 317 area here but gets himself out in the South does some work with a group I believe that's from Texas so tiping my cap do you Mike uh you're really inspirational I really like the fact that you kicked off 2025 about 3 days into 2024 you're carrying that momentum I'm seeing your post at 1:30 in the morning so I know you're still up like a night out kind of hustling and and making stuff happen into 2025 yeah he's a beast I the reason I like him is cuz he reminds me I want to say of us but definitely of myself you know like he just once he gets into it like he goes you know I think that was one of the questions that we asked him is like how do you separate you know your per because he's got what three kids y he's got three kids that he's he's a very involved parent um kind of like how do you separate your personal life from all of the uh the other things that you got going on yeah just just a just a great guy then I I always like the ones that are that are relatable good sense of humor cuz I got throw some bad humor into this you know you can't you can't call him Mike Chevy you gotta call him Mike Ford because that's his last name right yep yeah he liked that I think and we mentioned early early on about brigit Ortiz um she is our we have to mention her even though her episode was just a couple episodes ago because she is our highest uh viewed episode and again you know I two people I want to thank for that her first of all and her fans but also M Curtis McCoy that we talked about earlier because without M Curtis I wouldn't have learned the uh search engine optimization that helped drive more of the viewers to our episodes just a quick informal promo there on the 317 Indianapolis area bad apples was filmed in Indianapolis in and around Indianapolis so bit uh has done a great job in that movie uh does a great job on the uh Runway there as an international model as well as an entrepreneur as well so if you haven't uh heard her or come across her do your research there and uh she's definitely established but up and coming um great look at the city throughout the movie from what I'm understanding and I think they're in the pre-production or postproduction I think you call it and should be on the screens to where you can view it an x amount of time as time goes on but yeah 6,200 views in a week and then not only that the shorts gained another 2500 so 8 8,500 to 9,000 views in a week that's heavy lift and thanks to B as the guest Nick for his production and Curtis with his search engine optimization and uh just kind of teach us that road map as well yeah yeah and I I think we've how many Jason really keeps track of the analytics I don't I don't look at him quite as much but I I think Jason could probably tell me like how many subscri you said we gained like a a pretty high amount of subscribers over the past what few weeks because like during that time frame for us it's miraculous but in a week's time we gained about 950 subscribers sometimes that would take us you know 2 three months obviously we started off slow um we're currently up around the 6,500,000 subscribers we'd really like to have a boost and get up around that 10,000 just as a milestone but uh another Milestone that I got to mention in 2024 was 100,000 views so we cracked 100,000 views about 6 weeks ago now we're above 120,000 so that should really tell you know you're aspiring podcasters out there that hey if we've done this 10 or 11 months we know we're getting there we know we're established but to get 20,000 views in about 6 weeks that kind of tells you that we're there we're not afraid to throw those numbers out there those aren't a brag but those are just say with humility we like what we're doing you guys like what we're doing uh if you've got any interesting guests the best you can do is tap in with us and kind of let us know and we're not afraid to talk to anybody from all walks of life yeah and you know I mentioned earlier that you know thanks needs to go out to M ctis McCoy and uh and then also brijit and her fans but I I forgot the most important um group of people that we should give give thanks to and that's all of you guys all of our viewers because you know obviously without you guys we wouldn't have we wouldn't have a podcast we just be just be me and Jason sitting here talking to ourselves so we really appreciate your loyal viewership you know and and uh the fact that you you know I'm sure that not everyone has time to to tune in every week but the fact that you um you watch episodes you give us feedback um and I and I feel like we can be ourselves and we don't have to try to you know try to be something else the one ask that I have and it's a major ass but it's it's more of an appreciation and it's more of a having our verse voice heard if you see us on Instagram if you see us on Facebook if you see us on YouTube not only like And subscribe but give us a comment just say checking in from Philadelphia PA you know checking in from a foreign country I think what that does is it drives it drives the interaction so then that way you know where you're fellow fans are from so that's a big as but just takes that take that extra 30 seconds we'd really appreciate it and in return if you guys have anybody uh that that you would like us to talk to we'd be happy to do that so overall 2024 started with a vision it ended more with a resolution and that's to do more in 2025 to to be in the communities to service the uh indianapol area and just be part of an Ever growing and thriving podcast Community yep yeah there there's Reon why they say like comment subscribe you know it drives the algorithm and and you know gets more traffic in in that direction absolutely yeah absolutely and if we left anybody out it's not because you weren't vastly appreciated for being on the show we just obviously only have limited amount of time so we tried to pick some of the people that stood out and and that we still have communication with you know frequently that you know that are our big supporters of the show um but yeah it's not to say that we didn't appreciate every guest that we've had on I think a Blake of statement to everyone in 2024 was this we truly appreciate your humility to come on to our show because you you were the guest and the innovators the politicians the sports stars the entertainers that were with us from the beginning will always remember that so as time goes on it'll be cool to see a year from now having some of those same guests on that will now have been as much as two years from the time they're originally on to see their growth to see our growth and to win together because I think when you win you support each other's work I think everybody succeeds and that's that's kind of the entrepreneurial Vision that I think we have as a podcast moving forward yeah I agree one of the things that I that I like most about doing this is and and something that gets me a little bit emotional is you know during a a Year's a long time you know it's it's not but it is you know it's a long time so going on a year there's a lot at least in my personal life a lot of things that have transpired over over that year so you know during the year of this podcast you know I've been on this you know maybe I haven't mentioned the things in fact I probably haven't mentioned most of the things if any of them but you know different things in the roller coaster of life that's gone on and you know whether you know it or not you know I'm sharing those those at least those emotions with you because even if I don't talk about it I guarantee that comes out in my U my energy you know whenever whenever I'm on the the podcast I think the thing that's been the most telling for me um well stated by is just the fact that we have so much in common with the guests we have you know we're good people we're winners we're entrepreneurial we're education based uh we want to see people succeed we want to represent the the city you know it's cliche but you know 317 is a great is a great number because that's the area code of Indianapolis but more importantly we want to see those people know that we want to see you grow we want to see you succeed and as you succeed we succeed if we're if we're a 0% chance of your growth that's growth for us and I I really want to point that out and and get people to see if you're not from Indianapolis it's a great place to come and come and visit and we just uh we're we're always open for any stories and it's it's a unique story just because we haven't had a guest of another area let's encourage someone to come on that has a guest or an idea that we haven't discussed up to this point so then that way we can just continue to use that Mosaic Minds um you know know thread that we've used which is basically talking anybody at any time as long as it's positive and uplifting conversation yeah yeah one thing I've learned uh from watching some of these some of these old episodes is damn I've gained a lot of weight I was like I was looking at myself like man that guy looks good you know like man I need to need to get back there everybody's got New Year's resolutions but our our resolution is just let's all win let's all be productive and let's all be having a rewind of 20 25 with uh better results more results more resolution um and and let's win let's win let see at the top of the mountains put that out into the universe and let you know let it manifest that you know 2025 is going to be our best year yet you know and well I think we should put this out there too just for accountability but one of the things that we want to do this year is uh we want to get some merch uh together we want we want to get some you know some shirts made up and some some hats and some coffee mug some stuff like that so put that out there for accountability so that way you guys can can kind of like bug us about it like Hey where's where's this merch you were talking about so hopefully that'll be available sometime hopefully early in the year but we'll see you know right now we're still uh flying doing this for free um you know so we're hoping that eventually we can get to where you know where it at least pays for itself absolutely well said he