Mosaic Minds Podcast

Episode 7 | The Simpsons' Predictions

Mosaic Minds Media Season 1 Episode 7

Today's episode is all about the CRAZY predictions that take place on the super popular show "The Simpsons."  Events that you will never believe were predicted YEARS before they actually happened.

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The god particle, which is the formula for where mass comes from in the universe.


And that's new. I don't know anything about that.


So scientists confirmed it in 2012. And there's an episode where he literally like has the equation written on a chalkboard in 1998.


The exact equation. Yes. That's wild, man. That's I think something, something evil about this. That's


the one that really, really freaks me out.


Mosaic minds, the podcast where every episode is a colorful blend of perspective. Perspectives, ideas and conversations. Each week, our diverse team of hosts brings their unique backgrounds, experiences, and interests to the table. Mosaic Minds is your invitation to join the conversation to see the world through a kaleidoscope of viewpoints. So grab a seat, tune in, and let the mosaic unfold before you


getting drunk on the podcast. This is




It's energy


drink. Alright, you ready?


I'm ready.


Welcome to Mosaic Mines. To my left here, You're right is crystal to my right is Jason and my name is Nick and tonight. We're gonna be talking about the predictions that have come about from the Simpsons episodes and Crystal has actually put this together for us. So she's gonna bring up some of the different the different predictions or the different topics. And then we will, uh, we'll discuss those. So crystal.


All right. Yeah. I thought this was an interesting one. Do you guys watch the Simpsons a lot?


I don't anymore. I used to watch it all the time. Watch it occasionally. I'm familiar with it, but can't say I'm a normal.


So, little tidbit, I was not allowed to watch The Simpsons as a kid.


I was not allowed to watch it either.


So, I started watching it as an adult, and I haven't watched it a whole lot, but I'm trying to catch up. But I thought these were really interesting. And the first one that I saw, remember Siegfried and Roy?


Yeah. The tiger guys. Yeah. One of them got like eaten.


Yeah. He got mauled by the tiger. And then they had to die. No, they had to retire though, because he got like really hurt. So that happened in 2003, right? So in 1993, there was an episode of the Simpsons where they're at a show and Roy gets attacked by the tiger. Really? Yeah.


So that was, and Roy's the one that got attacked in real life. Uh huh. Oh, wow. Yeah. So I thought that was really weird.


I was out in Vegas recently. And one of those guys, Siegfried or Roy, had his picture on the side of a building.




Maybe he performs there or something?


You know what? I think I did, I think I remember seeing that in Vegas. I think it was Siegfried.




you go. I would agree with that.




So the other guy, he hung up his I think so. I think he's up there. What would a lion tamer hang up? Tiger. Or Tiger Tamer. What would they hang up? I was going to say hung up as stripes, but that doesn't really make sense.


I was going to say I'd be lying if I knew the answer. Oh my god.


Easy, Tiger. Very good. Well played.


All right, so now the dad jokes are out. Um, so this one actually I think is even weirder. So I think technology is really hard to predict, like, I have no idea where it's going to go. I don't know if you guys have any ideas, but in 1995, there was an episode about like the future and it was Lisa's wedding and in the episode, they had smartwatches. And they had video chat like FaceTime.


And this was way before that was even like really talked about.


Yeah. So this was in 1995 and the first time it came out was 2010.


That's crazy. Yeah. I'm trying to think in 95. So I would have been 15. So I had, I didn't even have a cell. My first cell phone was in high school. And when I first started high school, I had a pager, but my first, my first cell phone had like a little antenna that you pulled up like that. It was a little square and it had a flip down mic and the contacts, like you scrolled this little wheel to


shows analog. Sometimes you can get better. I


had a naughty by nature tape. There was a single with a little, uh, little cardboard thing that goes around the tape. The single player, you know, you tear the cellophane off of it. You throw your tape in there. Then you flip it over the other side of the cassette tape.


Oh, a single. Yeah, it was like, they come in like a little box. Yeah. I had the Michael Jackson, um, black or white, uh, single. There you go.


So I was nine. So


that was a bone thugs in harmony or as well.


Yeah, I did too. When my parents weren't around, cause I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music.


I would say that would be Nirvana or wouldn't it? Yes. Nineties were the bet was the best jam. Best music, which was a


lot stone temple pilots, Washington. Everyone was listening to Nirvana and Pearl Jam all the time.


I think, I think the commonality of those is so far reached that now you're talking technology and a weird guy that gets mauled by a tiger. That to me is impressive to me because those have nothing to do with each other and they're two for two so far. Right. That's wild.


Yeah, I would have never I would have never predicted smart watches. I mean, I don't know I guess I could have like predicted it because You know the future you think of flying cars and you know, like the jetsons and that kind of


thing An easy one, but like face fine


Well, i'm pretty sure if I remember right in the jetsons, they had smart watches, didn't they?


I don't remember They


definitely had like video phones and stuff like that.




I think


do you remember? But I


don't know about the video phones, but I know they had flying cars and honestly they say that's gonna be a thing


Yeah, five years. Yeah. Well, they've been talking about that for years because they're talking about the magnets Yeah, so like a train, you know like basically it's two magnets flipped on top of each other which would cause the the train to basically to float and You know what I mean? And so as the magnets move, then the train moves. I don't know if that's the same technology they're talking about with cars. Um, but that would make sense because that would keep cars from just, you know, going all over the place in the air. People can barely


drive cars on a road. Like the thought of flying cars scares the shit out of me. Well,


don't get too excited. It's only going to be the rich folk. Okay.


That's a random question. It's off the topic a little bit, but would anybody Ride in a car and just fall asleep and let the car drive you like seven hours to a destination.


Absolutely not. Like a Tesla?


I'm not down with that.


You're not supposed to do that. No. Like you're supposed to stay away. Like you can be watching a movie or something like that, but you're supposed to, you're not supposed to. In fact, and I think it's in California. Someone told me they have like, it's like specifically for this, but there's like a button. If you come up next to someone and they're sleeping and they're Tesla while it's driving, like you, you like push the button and it like, Gives us really loud noise, like honk thing to wake them up. But yeah, I don't trust technology enough to just sleep, you know, now if someone else was in the car, maybe it'd be like, Hey, you know, keep an eye out. I'm going to take a little, a little nap.


Wonder if Barton Marge would have rode around in a Tesla back in the day.


They wouldn't have had the money for a Tesla




they drink Duff beer I doubt they could afford a Tesla


But another weird technology one that they predicted a year before that was autocorrect




Yeah. So like there was an episode where I guess, like, I should have written exactly down what happened, but they predicted autocorrect and I thought it was like,


like autocorrect, like spell check, like on a phone and stuff.


Yeah. Like they were typing something in it, like recorrected itself and sent like the wrong thing. And like, there was a whole


episode about it. Wow. See, now I would have never predicted. Chat GPT, chat GBT still blows my mind.


Oh yeah.


I mean, like you've seen, you've seen it work, you know, like, like whenever we, uh, tried to do some of the promos we wrote, I basically I typed in, um, I want to write us a script for a promo about crystal. This is what she's into apply it to her. And it's just like. You know, just like wrote out the entire script. So it's just, it's nuts. I


think what impresses me or blows my mind would be a better way to put it is how quick it is. Like, you don't have to sit there and wait 10 minutes. Yeah,




It's like,


it's immediate.


I might be exaggerating a little bit, but it's seconds. Yeah. It's like three seconds. Yeah. There you go.


And that's why people are so afraid of, of AI because every time someone types something in or whatever, like it's learning from itself constantly. So that's why it gets better and better because I have, did you use it when it first came out? No, I just started using it. It was still awesome, but not nearly as advanced as it is now.


For all you sports minded fans. He's talking about the technology side, but the original AI was Allen Iverson back in the mid nineties. Played basketball. Now you have, you just


had to bring sports back up




Oh, AI being the initials of, she was the one with the corn rows. Right. Yep.


Yep. Crossover. Very good player. Yeah, good technology though. Very good technology. I think it's going to be a game changer for people.


I was a copywriter for 10 years and I'm glad I'm not anymore because you'd be


like, I'd be out of a job. I'm going to take a nap and type. So, you know, like I keep seeing these ads and stuff on Facebook for people trying to sell all these products. Pro AI programs and stuff, you know, to learn certain things. And one of them is apparently a big market is children's books. And I've noticed that they're advertising like, Hey, you know, use AI to make endless money writing children's books and that kind of thing. So I don't know. So do you think, I know that it can only do so much because I tried to get it to do, I tried to paste like a blog that I wrote to get it to, um, Make it longer. And it said that it was too long. Like I, I put too much in there. So I know there are some limitations to it.


Well, if you think cat GPT is something you can't like predict on the Simpsons, Homer discovered the God particle, which is the formula for where mass comes from in the universe.


And that's new. I don't really think about that.


So scientists confirmed it in 2012. And there's an episode where he literally like has the equation written on a chalkboard in 1998.


The exact equation? Yes. That's wild. Man, that's, I think there's something, something evil about this. Yeah,


that one, that's the one that really, really freaks me out.


The broadcasting side of me sits here and says that this is all super impressive, but how do you have that character roll that out. Does that make sense? I was wondering how Homer did it. In a, in a piece of paper hanging out of the back of his backpack, but it's on a chalkboard for this person. That to me is interesting how you write it into the script. And incorporate it into a show and predict it. I mean, that just, that's, yeah, that's good stuff. I


want to know like which writer, like decided,


seriously, that's a good point.


Yeah. Like


which right? Like, is it always the same writer that's predicting the shit? Yeah.


I want to know who, which writers are doing this. And I want them to buy me a lottery ticket.


And you know, somebody out there might know the answer to that. So if you happen to know a little bit more detail about this, like which writer it is, just put that in the comments or something so that we can, cause I'm curious, I would really like to know.


Like I learned about this stuff just the other day as I'm pulling it up. And oh, remember the whole NSA spying scandal when like we first found out they were watching us?


Yeah, we're, yeah.


So that was in 2013. So there was an episode in 2007 where the NSA was spying on everybody and they found out. Like specifically the MSA


like through people's cameras and stuff like that. Yeah Yeah, that's crazy. Like every time I after that happened into my walk by my webcam or something I would just flip it off and I would purposely like walk in front of it naked You know, they come out of the shower and like walk in front of it You're like, let


me give them something. I won't do that. They'd like that too much. It's a bunch of dudes watching, like that's good I can't do that.


Well, maybe, I mean, or they're just recording it, you know, like maybe they're going to start an NSA only fans, no strings attached, NSA. Get it?


Anybody to make a prediction now about anything that's going to happen in the next five years, anybody got anything? I can't come up with anything. We're


going to war.


You'll win that every time. Yeah, there


will be violence.


Um, I mean, you know what I mean? I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not creative enough to come up with some scientific equation, nor am I.


No, I, I have no idea. All I know is we're going to elect some idiot and we're going to go to war. Like, cause that's what happens all the time.


Oh yeah. I can pretty definitively say that, um, Whoever gets elected president is gonna be corrupt because you know, like that's pretty much how it goes You know, they're all all the politicians are corrupt So


on my way to the gym, there is a house and they have this gigantic sign that says all politicians are pedophiles On their house. It's like


a huge that's a that's a pretty bold statement All all politicians, yeah,


and then they have a huge Really makes me laugh Cause I'm like, he's a politician now. So like, whether you want to admit it or


not in my world and my work mosaic line, you know, I think that it's not a prediction, but they say that like style trends come around, isn't it? Like every 30 to 40 years old, every 30, I think it's something along the lines of every 20 to 30 years, styles recycle themselves. It's like every 20 years. Cause


like the nineties were just. Hard. And now like the early 2000s stuff is coming back.


God. Then the fact that the early 2000s stuff is considered old and coming back around,


I hope


JNCOs come back around. I want some big old baggy JNCOs. Say


the big


baggy JNCOs. They already did.


Yeah. Well, they've already come and gone again.


No, Google it. Like you can buy them.


I mean, I'm sure you can, but I'm saying like really come into stuff because I do, I do, I'm not ashamed to say that I do, I do pay attention to, to men's style. Like, and so I do know that like cuffing, you know, if you notice, especially with jeans, cuffing is, is, uh, Really big right now. Right. So yes. And, and so like my bad. So kicking her shit over, um, tight rolling. You remember that?


Oh yeah. With the, you got to have the Eastlands, right. With the little green tag on it. Nick, remember those,


the what?


The wash leather with the green tag. Easily. Yeah. The Eastland shoes. Yeah,


I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Oh, I remember


the penny




Well, the penny loafers, that was before our time though, right? Yeah, that's


like what like our grandparents wore when we


were kids. But those are coming back. I mean, those are coming back. Loafers especially. Loafers are huge. Don't tell me penny loafers are. That's terrible. Not with the penny in them. But yeah, loafers are definitely coming back. My mind is wandering


a little bit and it's kind of applicable but kind of not. I think I'm going to leave that. With the 20 to 30 year trend. But one of the most cool shows I've ever watched was actually, uh, I believe is, is it James Corden or Corbin


Corbin Corbin?


Yeah. He, he interviewed Paul McCartney and Paul McCartney took him to the original place that the songs were about. So they went in the barber shop and like walked through the, uh, Beatles history. So I was fascinated by that because that to me is 20 30 years old. It recycles itself and it's still popular to that much.


So speaking of the Beatles, I didn't write this one down, but there was a Simpsons prediction where in one episode they got A letter from one of the Beatles. I think it was Ringo, like 30 years later or something. And that actually happened to somebody like several years after the episode came out, they got,


you're saying is I predicted that that was going to happen. Apparently that was a perfect segue. Yup. Look at that. She's a star. Wow. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Copywriter. You know, I didn't research that. That's, that's a, that's interesting. Now, um, educate me a little bit. Cause I'm not. Too hip on the music. Ringo's still alive today. I think so.


I'm pretty sure that I have to Google it. I have no idea. I'm pretty sure that, um, all of them are still alive except for John Lennon.


Now, is he relating to shooting star and superstar and what's his last name star? It's


his dad jokes. He's


not related to like


superstar. It is ironic that his last name star and he's like the least popular beetle. Now, let me ask you this other question. Is that his legit name? I


don't know.


I don't think so. Or


that's not a state's name. That's a legit name. Yeah. I don't think it's a cool name. I don't think it's his name. He sounds like, he sounds like he should be in tombstone to me. movie, Ringo star. Yeah. Like Billy, the kid and Ringo star, kind of an old Western guy. What's the next stop you get out on the sentence? I'm curious.


So they've actually predicted two different outbreaks. They predicted the Ebola outbreak and kind of predicted COVID.


I've heard the COVID one.


Yeah. So there was an episode with an Ebola outbreak in 1997. And in America, and then we had our outbreak in 2014.


Yeah, that was, that was, I feel like that was a overhyped though. The Ebola thing. Because it


was nasty.


Yeah. But when I think of Ebola, I think of like, you know, like, like, um, you know, like, Pooping out your guts and stuff, you know, and like, like barfing your, your intestines out or something like that's like the hot zone. Remember the book, the hot zone?




Yeah. But that never happened here. No, I mean, and, and I remember like my, uh, so my, my wife at the time, she, uh, shut up. She was, uh, she was really like, like all web MD, like really paranoid about everything about stuff like that. So I remember when she had to go to the doctor for something, I remember her like freaking out to the doctor, like this Ebola thing and all this, you know? And he's like, That comes from feces. So just, you know, don't be eating poop. I didn't


know that.




Yeah. So my son was only three and he was really sick all the time. I was terrified to go to the emergency room cause I'm like, he's going to get Ebola if Because you don't, you never know what you're going to catch. And everyone was talking about it. Were you freaked out about COVID too? No. Like, I wore a mask, but like, I didn't like wipe down my groceries and like, I didn't freak out about if I had to leave the house. I


was never once scared about COVID. I can honestly 100 percent say that.


Well, I wasn't a huge fan to be.


My uncle died of COVID. Lots of people died of COVID and it wasn't that I didn't think it was real or that people were dying It was that I was a fairly young healthy man that I mean like I wasn't worried I could have just as easily died of you know, like Really bad flu or what? He


was like early 50s and super healthy. So like it freaked me out So but I wasn't I still wasn't like freaked out like overly freaked out But like I was cautious and then I ended up getting it and I've had a chronic cough since then for 18 months What were you gonna say?


I was just gonna say I had to go and get free Fresh air during that, when the pandemic was, oh my gosh, fresh air. I had


to get fresh air.


Well, I mean, you know what I mean? I'm like, might be exaggerating a little bit, but they said, don't go interact with people trying to, I don't make, so I always had to go out and get that, you know, walk around the pond, walk around the


pond for a lot of, you know,


I respected, I stayed away from people, obviously, you know, I wasn't. You know, close to people, but I think the hardest, the hardest for that to me was just having to stay away from people.


Yeah. And I've been working from home since COVID hit. So like I was really away from people.


A buddy of mine said something very profound to me. Uh, we worked in an industry in the utility companies and we were down in the. I wasn't personally, but, uh, the workers did a very good job of being kind of down in the pipes and things. And I said something very profound. He said, COVID. Has allowed people to accept poor customer service. And I know this is odd, but it's, it has application. So they say that the screens at like a McDonald's for instance, or like a random restaurant are extremely dirty. There's no polite way to put this. You know, you use the facilities, you don't wash up very well. You order a double cheeseburger and then I'm next to do it. It was the weirdest thing though, last night. So I go into McDonald's, nobody talked to me and everybody kept their back to me and they were feeding the drive through. So I know I'm a dinosaur and I'll admit that, but I tap on the machine and then I go to get my cups and nobody wanted to acknowledge that I was going to grab the cup. So I felt like a thief that I needed to ask somebody to get the cups. They didn't acknowledge me. And then five minutes later, my food shows up with no napkins. Like it was just, it was kind of a bizarre experience.


Yes. That is so weird that you said that because the other day, like I, so I went to, I went over to Wendy's and to the one right over here. Right. And, um, When I went in, I thought maybe there was like a screen thing. Cause they had those screens in front of the cash registers, but they weren't ones turns out they weren't ones that you order on. It just, you know, would show your price and all that stuff. But, um, lady was standing there talking on her. Like earpiece on the on the phone And I thought maybe she was talking to a drive thru person or whatever but then I hear talking about how she was going out that night and You know this and that and I was like I looked at her. I'm just like am I supposed to order here? She's like no, what can I get you? And now and I think she was the manager because all these other People were like running around doing their job like doing the drive thru and she's just like, you know Talking like walking back and forth talking on her on her earpiece And I was just blown I actually like I don't really I don't really like report people or whatever, but I was like this close to like coming home and and giving a review or something because it pissed me off. You know what I mean? Like


all we're discussing. So we think the significance behind it is I guesstimated that there's four to six less workers in that McDonald's. So here, here's, here's my hypothesis business mind. As a prediction to what's going to happen in relationship to the show. Yeah.


And then we'll get back on to the next,


but they, they service the drive through so quickly that in other words, they're not losing people that are seeing 30 cars in the drive through. So they leave. So I think their profit margins are up because the employment's down and I think they just kind of roll with that. But here's what I predict that's already, uh, verifiable. In Alabama, they have gas stations with no employees right now. Like a hundred percent employee free. So I go in there and I get me a Slurpee and I do whatever I do. And you're on the honor system. And Alabama, they actually have the honor system, but they got cameras. They got legit cameras. Well, I mean, they, they do have those Amazon stores. I don't know that you would get arrested right on the spot, but pretty much if you're going to be an idiot, it's like, like, like company kitchen


charge you automatically when you pull the stuff off the shelves. So it's not really an honor system,


but I'm sure there's ways around that.


But that leads me to my next question. Is there, is Marge or Bart involved in any of these? Like Are they the character? Oh, that's a good question. Are these all homer?


Um, you know


No, what's your next one?


so This one is really weird. So you know how Disney bought Fox in 2017? They had an episode in 1998 where Disney bought Fox.


Was that the one I remember? An episode where like people in Fox jackets came in, like they were the FBI and with guns. That


was it. Yeah. It's




Yeah. And I just thought that was really weird. Cause like who would have predicted that like randomly Disney was going to buy Fox, like that, like now I expect them to buy everything. But before that, like,


I know it's unresearchable, but I wonder, I wonder in my mind, if they throw out. Many more predictions that have become true. And then they're just hitting on a certain percentage of them. Even if that


were the case, though,


this is a, they're too specific. This blows, this blows my mind. Like, um, that right there. I mean, one could say that maybe NBC and CBS aren't here 10 years from now. I think that'd be logical to say, right. But maybe not, but I guess what I'm trying to say, so specifically that Disney bought Fox, exactly. I mean, that's just. It's good stuff.


Yeah. And I think everyone knows about this one. They predicted president Trump. Yeah. So there was an episode where it was like a future one again, and Lisa becomes president and she inherits the economy from Trump. Really? Yeah.


So Trump was president already.


Yeah. So he was already president on the episode. And then Lisa, or yeah. Was that the same one with the smartwatch since it was in the future? No, that was a different one. So this one, they predicted it in two thousands.


So Lisa seems to be involved in a lot of these predictions.


She does. You know what? They all seem to cause like the one with COVID was Marge was like focused on her. And I think it's funny cause they had murder Hornets in that one too. Really?


Yes. Were those real or were those just, those are real. Those were real. I mean, I


don't know that like if they, did they call them murder Hornets? I think people just started.


I don't know.


Because that's not, I'm sure they have like a scientific name. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? I'm sure that. You know, some German scientists were like murder hornets. You know what I mean? I did


have a family member get stung by like 30 or 40 bumblebees. Like Macaulay Culkin. And it overwhelmed and it was, I think it was a hospital. He can't


see without his glasses.


There was a lot of buzz about that story.


Yeah. Yeah. Be real. I think we need to,




am so sorry, everybody for their sense of humor and their dad jokes.


I think we need to be serious. This Simpsons topic has been cool. You know what I mean? Because honestly, our, our, uh, cohost here has done a lot of research on this. And I think just throwing them open and leaving it open to interpretation. Cause I think. I think you can listen to it and it's, it's, it's eyeopening. I've always heard of this topic, but never heard specifics on it. And honestly, this has been, this has been enjoyable to talk about.






my, my question now though, is what do you guys think? Like what's, what's behind this? Do you think that, I mean, do you think that like, uh, we were talking about the writers? I mean, I have heard, I've heard like, that's some people's theory, not necessarily that like specifically, but that, you know, the powers that be, you know what I mean? Like that this stuff already is known. And I guess maybe, maybe, maybe one of the writers from Simpsons has an in with the, uh, you know, maybe they're in the, um, Illuminati? That they could be Dare I say!


I'm still trying to get in. I submitted my application. Yeah, they don't want you. Aww. I'd be a great




I just, so like educate me here. So like the Simpsons is still running.


Yeah, yeah, the longest, I think it's the longest running series of anything.


So what I'm hearing is


not like, so actually. I think it's days of our lives. Oh, but that doesn't count.


Like, say it's the hourglass and so are the days of our lives.


Yeah. Days of our lives. Yeah,


those shows have been on. Dr.


Drake remore.


I used to watch the, uh, Dallas, uh, those stuff that was interesting.


Yeah, like the old school and JR. The old school, like oil tycoons. Yeah. They haven't, they redid that.


I watched the newer one.


Did you?




I liked it. And then


I got bored of it. Who killed


JR? Huh? Wasn't that the question? Who killed JR? Like the original? Sorry, we're a little older.




never watched


the original. One of the stars of the show, like, I think passed away in the show, maybe. Yeah, something. And then the controversy was who did it. So, they're still making predictions. There's a lot of, uh There's a lot of interesting predictions, but what I think is interesting too, is the amount of time between prediction and it actually happening,


right? Like somebody,


yeah, because if it was just like one year away or something, then someone could easily argue. Well, you know, that person may have known Steve jobs and like, you could have slipped them that information, but too much time, right? It's


like a 20 year gap. Like.


Yeah, yeah. The Apple computer at that point was still a box.


So there's a couple that nobody would have been able to predict because they actually predicted a couple of Nobel prize winners. Really? Yeah. So one of them I wrote down, his name is, I don't know how to say it. It's B E R G T is his first name. Bert. Bert Holmstrom. He won the Nobel prize in 2016 and they predicted it in 2010.


So I wonder, you know, like maybe the Simpsons are just so frigging rich that they're like Nobel prize committee. Here's, here's a million dollars for the Nobel prize winner. Here's a billion dollars for you. No, they don't have that much money.


What's interesting about that prediction right there though, is, is to put that into perspective for me, you have a person that's legit, like out in the future. But there's a lot of political and popularity contests and something like that, in my opinion,




So to actually claim that at any time in the future is impressive because my opinion on that's always been that there's always something cooler than someone else did, but a random person wins it from a random country. If that makes sense.


Yeah. He was an MIT professor. I believe


didn't, uh, Obama won the Nobel prize. Didn't he? I think so. Didn't Trump too? Yeah. I don't think so.


I don't know. Maybe. I think they just hand them to the presidents, you know,


I like eating it. Nobel Romans. I hate, I hate Nobel


Romans. Nobel Romans is freaking nasty. Unless you want to sponsor us and then you're awesome. The one in Brownsburg is really good. No, their sauce is disgusting. It's sweet. It's like super sweet. The cheese just slides right on off. I mean, like maybe if it's super fresh, but no, I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never had that problem.


Memories. I was at a child where you can stand behind the glass and watch them make your pizza before.


That was noble Romans. Wasn't it? Or was it pizza hut? Which one had the monster?


Remember at pizza hut when we had those like reading things?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, now you're onto something. So my mom actually found the little reading holographic purple button. And when you got the five stars, you got your personal pan pizza. Is that what you're talking about? So here's my story. You read


books and then you take your, oh, book it. Yeah. Then you take it to the pizza hut and they give you a pizza. So here's my


story. I'm going to stick to it. I used to always get the choose your own adventure books that you would advance further in the book. And then you always got punished. If you went from page 80 to 175, you always got on some windy road. And you had to go back and read a lot. It wasn't just skipping to the end of the book and being done. And that was the original Sims.


You know what I mean? Right. And then I had to


lie about the books I was reading just to order it, get a freaking pizza. Cause I ain't reading five damn books to get a pizza. Yeah. For a pizza this big. Yeah. I don't think


anybody ever read the book. It's like while you're reading


and getting all your free pizzas, I'm just going to slap down 6 and 85 cents and walk out there with a two liter. Pepsi and grab my own pizza and get the hell out of


here. Let's talk about some real integrity. Jumper up for hearts. You can't fake that shit. I forgot about jumper up for hearts.


I did that. Cheat on the book reading. I think the most I ever probably read was one or two and those were probably sports books.


I've read a lot of books. I love reading.


I don't read. I listen to audiobooks.


So I listen to audiobooks more now because I just don't have a whole lot of time to read, but either, I consider either when reading.


I read three to four newspapers almost every day, but I don't read any books.


I don't think I've ever read a newspaper in my life.


The reason I do, I do the local paper, the Hindi paper, the national paper, so I can get various spatterings of news that try to be as neutral or. One sided is another depending on the city.


Yeah, I, I don't, a long email for me is taxing. Like I have a hard time. I have a hard time doing that. Like I, I wish I liked to read. I'm actually going to a hypnosis seminar tomorrow, so maybe I can have them hypnotize me to enjoy reading. Yeah.


Okay, I gotta hear about this. What's a hypnosis? What's


your hopeful outcome before you go?


Um, it's supposed to help you with procrastination. And, uh, it's, it's free. So that's one. Are


they hypnotizing you? I


don't, I haven't gone yet. I don't know how it's going to work.


I'm sure.


I hope so. Like I wish they had, this is a whole nother episode that I want to actually want to do an episode on NLP, but like, I wish they had NLP, um, practitioners here. I think you can only go to like the coast.




NLP stands for neuro linguistic programming, and it's sort of like hypnosis, but basically what they do is they go in and, um, through kind of like putting you in a certain state, but they go in and they take these meta programs that have been put in your head from maybe it was because your, your dad yelled at you and said you were worthless at one point when you were little. And so now like you have this thought in your head all these years, even though you don't even remember that, that you're worthless. Well, they go in and take these negative schemas and all that, and then they replace it with positive ones. And supposedly it's supposed to help with, you know, like, Different different things like you can cure anxiety. I've heard


of that and I heard they do it for PTSD


PTSD. That's legit.




I had a college study class that everybody had to take and it's it it warms my heart to say this they talked about scotomas So scotoma is when you put something in front of you that you don't think you can conquer, but you actually can. Like it could be a fear of heights. It could be a fear of public speaking.




could be anything. And then they wanted you to write affirmations. I do that to this day. I love that.


Well, I have a huge fear of public speaking and here I am.


Hey, look at all these people.


Well, I know they're watching.


Yeah. I mean, it's our, our feet. So we got, we got to kind of, you know, ask some people to leave from time, we got so many, our


10 fans aren't judging.


Okay. You know what? Eventually we're going to have a whole bunch more and they're going to go back and watch these earlier episodes.


Exactly. Then Homer screams at Bart and Bart screams at Marge. And before you know it, they got new predictions that we're talking about. Oh, yeah, we


can talk about in 10 years. We can be like, remember that one time on our episode when you, you predicted that we were going to be awesome and now look at us,


I can eat three double cheese burgers and two fries and still be hungry. And that's true. Every year we'll just


do one of the predictions they got right that previous year.


Yeah, there you go. I'm really down for, I'm excited about the, um, addiction episode. My, my brother's already said he'll, he'll be on it. I have a couple of people. Well, we can't do, have too many, but, um, Maybe we just, maybe we do like different parts, like part one.


So the one that I always got to throw sports in, in case you haven't realized that sports is he's addicted to sports. That's my addiction to sports, but not to see your thunder here, because I know this is kind of your realm and you've done extensive research, but the one I want to bring up real quick is the Chicago Cubs when in the world series that was predicted on the Simpsons.


Yeah, I did hear about that to


give you a 30 second background, and it's worth looking at, in my opinion, even if you're not a sports fan, Wrigley Field has like a ticker or a mezzanine that's very famous in Chicago. It's kind of like you'd go to a movies in the fifties and sixties, and it would say like, you know, Frank Sinatra performing X, but it said Cubs win world series. I could be wrong on this, but I'm going to throw it out here and I'm willing to be corrected maybe with comments or whatever, whoever's listening. But I think they predicted the year as well as the Cubs winning the world series. And if you know the Cubs. The Cubs didn't win the World Series for over a hundred years, so that's actually, it's easy to say in your lifetime that they would win it, but to be specific on the year really impresses me.


Right. I'm pretty sure they did predict the year. I'm pretty sure they did. I'm pretty sure they would. Yeah. Okay. I didn't,


so it's easy to say in the next 40 years, the Cubs are gonna win. I think anybody could say that with any major sports team because that. Probably should happen, but it was amazing that they had it on the ticker the mezzanine, you know matched up in two or three


areas You know, it's amazing. There's all these like all these psychics and you know, like Prophets or whatever and even like some of those crazy religious Televangelists that like say hey, you know, the earth is gonna end in this year or the rapture is gonna occur and this year None of them are right, but you know what? Some cartoons can do it. You know what I mean? Like that is just, that's insane. Yeah. So I I'm just, so, okay. So we, we talked about the, the, there's the new world order thing. Like maybe that's what's behind it. Like just, you know, so what, what's another, what's another theory of, of how, of how the Simpsons are Well, that kind of goes with that.


I think, I think I'm going to make it simple, although their predictions are extremely impressive and although there's a book of those, and honestly, she's done extensive research, but is it safe to assume that there's many more than the ones we're talking about?


Yeah, there were more.


So like, my thing is, is like. I don't know that anything's extremely far fetched is my connection that I would make. I'm extremely impressed. I'm not doubting anything, but I'm saying like, what about


the God particle?


That one's impressive. The tiger thing though. I mean, you would eventually think, I mean, maybe, maybe I'm not a,


they probably got lucky with that one, but


that's what I'm saying. Like, I guess Nobel prize winners though. That's impressive.




I think, I think Trump or a political party before they were even thinking about politics. That's


well, he's always talked about politics. Even back in the day


stations, honestly, that's kind of, I don't want to look, I don't want to lower that, but I would say that'd be lower. In other words, you know, that would kind of make logical sense. But I guess what I'm saying, I'm extremely impressed. I'm not, I'm not, uh, Demeaning the efforts because it's very impressive. Like I, so I can't predict any.


So your, so your, your take on it is another possibility would just be happenstance,


right? Possibly, but I don't get the impression that they're throwing predictions out all the time and just hitting on some of them. Does that make sense? Like, I don't think they've really said a whole lot of, well, in the next 20 years, we're going to have X. I haven't really heard about that. I've just heard. I've just heard the predictions that they predict are coming true, which is very impressive on their part.


Well, and the show has been around since, you know, the dinosaurs, right? Yeah,


I'm interested to see it's hard to say what percentage of predictions because the predictions are just kind of like Because they're not minty


and they're not




meant to be. Yeah, they're not even meant


to be predictions. So like someone standing there saying this is going to happen. They're just in the throat yeah. Right.




think it's amazing myself. So what would Since we, if we don't know any other theories, what would be another theory of how, how these things have come to pass?


So, I'm one of those people that doesn't really believe in shit. Like, I don't, I don't believe in anything. I don't believe in ghosts. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in magic. I don't believe in people with powers or psychics or any of that. So, I don't know. It's just weird. It's Happenstance, I guess. I don't know. You don't believe, you don't believe in


magic? In a young girl's heart?


No. Unfortunately, no. But I love magic shows. I absolutely love them. You don't


believe in Santa Claus?


Well, I love Santa. I






Yeah, Christmas is alive in your heart.


I mean, Christmas is alive


in my arm. Oh yeah, that's right. We'll play, we'll play. I don't know. I, I, I don't know. If anybody knows of any other theories of how all of these have come about. Yeah, give us your best


theory. I just can't think of a TV show, a cartoon, a person. Like, I could go on and on with this. What I'm trying to articulate is, is like, it doesn't really happen.




you know, the Simpsons are kind of the top of the stack and we'll let you continue.


The one I find hilarious is an episode of family guy from like season three, where, um, I, I don't want to say it wrong, so Caitlyn Jenner comes out before she was Caitlyn Jenner as a woman.


What? So like, Bruce came out as Caitlyn? Yeah. Well, not as Caitlyn, but as


a woman.


Really? Yeah. Really? Yeah. And that was even before it was rumored. Cause I remember on the Kardashians, like there for a while, they were like, what's going on? Like he's grown his pony. The Kardashians. I used to. Yeah. That's hilarious. And that used to be way hotter before the fake asses and whatnot.


Oh, before all the plastic surgery. Oh, Chloe just did a number on herself. She was so pretty. Which one's the little one. I have no idea. The


little spinster. Like the, um. I've never seen the show. Oh, okay. Well, whichever, whichever one is the, not the one that marries all the basketball players, but the other one.


How many are there?


There's three. Well, I'm not talking about the little, little, I'm talking about the original three sisters.


So there's Kim, Courtney, and Chloe.




I think Courtney's the one who marries all the basketball players.


He's currently married to the Blink 182 guy.


Oh, yeah.


I don't know.


I don't know anything


about these people. I believe,


I believe I'm right. I'm


like, well, okay. So I know who Ken is, but then there's Courtney and Chloe. One of them's a little bit more plump. That's not the one that I was thought was hot. It's the one that's like teeny tiny, like small frame. No idea. Anyway. Okay. All right. Well, we'll wrap this up cause it's been, you know, it's been 43 minutes. So, um, thanks for watching and we will be back next Tuesday with, do we know what, we don't know what the next episode is going to be, but we'll be back next Tuesday. I'm out




Bart. I'm off like a prom dress. I


gotta go homer.


I'm starving. I don't know. I'm leaving. I'm starving.

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