Mosaic Minds Podcast

Episode 6 - Social Media Shenanigans - Pizza made from faces, Swiftys and Satan, Breathing in Water

Mosaic Minds Media Season 1 Episode 6

Today's episode of Mosaic Minds is full of ridiculousness, as we find random social media posts, town chatter, and news stories to clown on.  We pull from Facebook, Brownsburg Chatter, and other SM and news sources.  We talk about everything from naked Brownsburg joggers to Pizza with people's face on it.  Grab a seat on the couch with us and clown along.

Special thanks to:  Facebook, Pressley (I hope I spelled your name correctly), Chris Summers of Panoony's Pizza & Wings, Brownsburg Chatter, and Brownsburg Facebook Group.

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So like they were presented an award for finding the most oxygen. So if this is the most oxygen producing organism, could we just like chill in a tank of water with this thing? And not breathe.


I think so. I've always been told I'm full of hot air.


Yeah. So,


OK. Can we like breed a bunch of these things? So there's a whole whole bunch of them. And like, then we don't worry about having so many trees. Right. Yes. Then we can cut down the entire range. Hey, let's stop.


Welcome to Mosaic Minds, the podcast where every episode is a colorful blend of perspectives, ideas, and conversations. Each week, our diverse team of hosts brings their unique backgrounds, experiences, and interests to the table. Mosaic Minds is your invitation to join the conversation to see the world through a kaleidoscope of viewpoints. So grab a seat. Take your seat, tune in, and let the mosaic unfold before you.


Well, it's cold. It's February in the Midwest. Of course I'm always freezing.


Alright. Welcome to Mosaic Minds podcast. We're going to do it a little bit differently today and hang out on the couch, you know, make it a little bit more casual and laid back due to our topic. So our topic today is going to be, we're, well, we're basically just going to be making fun of different, uh, social media posts and news stories and things like that. So, Um, I am here with the beautiful Crystal Robertson and the other beautiful Jason Yocum and then of course the most beautiful Nick Williams. Now for people that are watching on TikTok live, uh, I tried to set up a live studio but apparently my graphics card is trash. So that didn't work out. So you won't be able to see what we're looking at, but you can kind of get a gist with, um, just the conversation.


If you subscribe to us on YouTube, you'll be able to see it there.


That's right. And what is that YouTube address? Crystal?


I have no idea.


It is youtube. com slash the at symbol. Mosaic, M O S A I C, dot minds, M I N D S, dot podcast. That's right. Well, I




so you set it up. Oh, and while we're sitting here, um, also, if you could, if you're watching on YouTube, if you could click on subscribe and like the, the, um, show and then also the little bell, you know, click on that. Matt will give you notifications and whatnot. And then if you're listening on one of the podcast platforms, like, um, oh, I just drew blank. Like, uh oh. Like spot. I was gonna say Spotify. Spotify.. Like, like a Spotify, iHeart iHeartRadio or Apple Podcast. Especially Apple Podcasts. If you could give us a five star review. and put a little bit of writing after it, then, uh, as I've said before, Jason will let Crystal tattoo your name on his forehead. All right. Yes. Okay. So


he's joking. I won't tattoo a face. I promise.


I'm going to start with one of the crystals that she came up with that she found here. So I'm going to pan it over here and then I'm going to let her explain it.


So in the local Brownsburg Facebook group, somebody decided to make a post just joking around. Um, and they're like, Hey, to the guy on this, on Grant street, like your Curtains are open and I can see you naked walking around inside. Um, and so people were commenting and of course, women were like asking about if he was hot and worth looking at. And then she like made a comment about how she, it was like her fifth time driving up and down the road. And then. A little while later, a guy made a post and he was saying that he had just moved to Brownsburg and he wasn't really sure about it because it was kind of creepy because some woman was looking through his window while he was naked. Um, just trying to get a good laugh. And then, so this was the first name of the person who made the first post was Ellen and then Travis made the second post. Um, and then someone made a third post a little while later saying that Ellen and Travis need to meet. And I agree.


All right. Yeah. So. Ellen or Alan? Ellen. Okay, so Ellen and Travis, if you're out there We would love to facilitate a hookup or, well, maybe not hookup, but like, you know, it could be something nice and romantic.


If either of you are married, I'm so sorry.


No disrespect, man. I should start leaving my blinds open, you know, cause like in the mornings, especially like I am jogging up and down the stairs, naked singing. Is that how you meet


people these days? Like the, the dating apps aren't working anymore. So just open your blinds. Yeah. Right. In fact, that should be a


dating app. Open your blinds.


You know what, you should just drive down the road and start screaming I love you out the window and see what sex. Is that not normal? I do that anyway. Is that, is that not normal? I mean, have you, has it worked yet? What do you think, Jason? Is that normal? I'm not


sure. I was in Karma Records back in the mid 90s. Karma, yes! Yeah, and I saw a CD. It was the Bare Naked Ladies.




Good band. Good band. One hit wonder, in my opinion. No, they had several hits. Okay, two three hit wonder, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


I like the one




they're like, I don't remember that way. Now let's move on to one of Jason's stories. Jason, you want to talk about the, um, oxygen producing organism?


Yeah. So what was really weird is, is I was doing a little research, trying to be somewhat prepared and I ran into a story, the most oxygen producing organism somewhere in Switzerland, somebody had discovered this and they were awarded an award and there was an award ceremony and a formal like gathering of people celebrating this accomplishment. So in today's world that we live in, that is important, you know, with the, um, the pollution and things, but I just thought it was a very odd award. I just wonder what that award section would look like.


Uh, like, so like they were presented an award for finding the most oxygen. So if this is the most oxygen producing organism, could we just like chill in a tank of water with this thing and Not breathe.


I think so. I've always been told I'm full of hot air.




so Okay,


can we like breed a bunch of these things? So there's a whole whole bunch of them and like then we don't worry about having so many trees, right? Yes, then we can cut down the entire rain. Okay, let's stop Hopefully no one's cutting down the rain


and all seriousness in today's sports world. I think the hype hyperbaric chambers is very Vaccinated So it actually allows you to recover faster. Like if you're a runner or a football player, it allows you to heal faster. Right. So I think that's probably why this was an important discovery. However, I couldn't imagine like. Is this a sold out event? Is there a few people there? I'm just going to stop there. Just kind of,


it's a bunch of nerds. It's a whole bunch of scientists, you know, I'm sure like a scientist convention, AKA a bunch of nerds. Yep.


With a bunch of letters after the last name. I'm sure. Right. Like, yeah.




people. Yes.


All right. And then, so let's move on. Um, the next one is Let's go put another one of Jason's here. So this one, Jason, go ahead and talk about this story. That's Raphael, by the way, if y'all aren't, you know, Ninja turtle fans.


I was a big splinter fan. I thought he was a kind of the villain. He wasn't


a, he wasn't a turtle rat.


Well, he was a rat, but


dirty rat.


Exactly. So a Pennsylvania man was accused of trafficking thousands of turtles and he was arrested. So I'm going to let my co host share maybe what their thoughts are on this.


Um, I think that anytime you traffic turtles, you're running the risk of jail time. You know, like I know that anytime I've trafficked turtles, I always make sure to put them in the tires. So, you know, that way, if I'm pulled over, they would have to slip my tires open in order to see the turtles that I am transporting.


This may be a dumb question, but why are they trafficking turtles? Like, are they making soup out of them? Why? Yeah, that's a good question. Why are they trafficking turtles?


I think the context just the audience knows is it was a rare turtle and I think they're invaluable. So that's kind of the rest of the story. When I was a young and it would rain out or we'd be on a highway. My mom and I would pull off to the side of the road and actually rescue turtles. I've done that before. We'd pick them up and take them off the road, you know, because they're so slow they can't make it across the road.


You know who, and I'm sure that she's watching, but you know who would most definitely do that? Melissa. Absolutely. Yeah. Hey, if you're watching, Melissa, we love your love for animals.


So the main question that I have that I was kind of doing my research today, and it just really popped into my head. So was this guy pumping his unleaded gas, like the 87? At a shell station, when he was pulled over.


Hold on, do I have the, but it's, I can't remember which one it is. We don't, we're not using headphones today, so I'm not sure, I think it's this one. We'll know. We'll know. I'll edit out the other ones. Okay, um, so, what's your take on this, on this uh, Turtle trafficking. Is it, do you think, do you guys think this is an ongoing problem that we need to be concerned about the trafficking of these turtles?


I mean, I literally have like those follow bracelets at home to like follow to like follow turtles in the water. So explain to the audience


what you're talking about. I was going to purchase one of those


for so there's these bracelets that you can get for, they have them for all kinds of different animals. And so the animal has like a GPS tracker on it and they send you a card with your specific animal's name. Um, and then the, you, just download an app and your bracelet tracks this animal. So I have an elephant one, and to deter poachers, it actually has it four months behind. So I can see, like, that day where the elephant was, like, four months ago. Which I like, cause, you know, I don't want them poached, even though it would be kind of cool to see where they are at the exact moment. But like there's some for turtles, there's some for sharks, and like depending on the animal, like some of them are actually like live tracked if they're not endangered.


So another ponder that I had today, uh, fellow co host was, was, was a guy a struggling author that wanted to write a sequel to the tortoise and the hare? Is that why he may be with his traffic and turtles?


I suppose anything's possible.


Slow news day, just in case you can't tell in my house.


Pfft. Man. You guys remember doing current events back in the day in school? Like where you had to like bring a clipping of a newspaper and everybody talked about it? I love, that was my favorite day. I love that.


Why? Cause you bring something weird?


Well, everyone would.


See, I don't remember anyone ever bringing anything weird. And now I kind of wish I could go back in time and find like the weirdest new story ever. Such a missed opportunity. Right.


I always like show and tell bringing the most minuscule thing in, you know, cause everybody had the latest, greatest Barbie doll or the latest, greatest. Sports figure. I like bringing in random stuff. I don't even know what an example. You know what my favorite thing I


was that I brought in for show and tell that you could never do now I brought in my cat. Really? Yes


I remember I brought in a vent. I got a ventriloquist puppet for for christmas with a little pull string You know, so those are so




Yeah, it was a it was a uh, uh, Uh huh. I think it was Hardy. It was like one of the, like Laurel or Hardy was one of those.


Nick, I'm going to offer you a challenge that our audience would love to see. Even if we can't see it on video, you can still picture this as it's going on. So the challenge I have for Nick, or Crystal, or other co hosts would be, I want you to act as if you're the ventriloquist by not moving your lips and saying maybe a set, uh, a 30 second sentence.


Okay. I love to do this podcast with Jason and Crystal sitting to my left. If you can see my lips moving, then I, uh, you, you can't. You are so bad at this. Hey, if you didn't know, that was me. Big shocker. That wasn't, that wasn't a soundtrack. That was actually me. That was


Vince the Ventriloquist.


I don't think I'm any better at it.


No, you're worse. It's harder than it looks. Sorry.


I also have my tongue pierced and so like, although


random, it's kind of a fun exercise. Sorry to issue a challenge to set you up to fail. You did a good job. Thank you. Thank you. That's a good sport. You're good. You're good. Good humor. You're not


talking about that poaching thing though. I think poachers get a bad name. Some of them. What? You know, like, I mean, like, I'm not talking about clubbing baby seals, but you know, like if, if it weren't for them going over and killing the elephants and stealing their tusks, how would we have pianos? Isn't that what the piano keys are made? They


could make them out of something else. Don't start with me. I love elephants. I love elephants. If he's not on next episode, I don't know what happened.


Hey, if you don't get me Melissa, well,


good Melissa, we're going to gang up on him.


I know when you go to the state fair, there's normally a booth that sells, there's normally a booth at the state fair that sells elephant ears. I don't think they're poached. I think those are made out of dough.


They are. And they're good as, yeah, they're just churros that are shaped like elephant ears. They


accept dough in the form of money to buy them as well. I think it's actually


pancake batter. Same with funnel cakes. I'm pretty sure. I have no


idea. I've never made one. But they're really good.


They are good. We're all hungry too.


I know. Now I want an elevator. And some ice cream.


Okay, so on to, Um, Let's do the Oh, we already did the naked guy, didn't we?


Yeah. Tell him about the cash app guy. The


cash app


guy. Yeah.


Okay. All right. So this dude, now normally we would, we would black out names, but this guy tried to scam me, you know, but if I'm sure that many of you have gotten these kinds of things and I still don't really understand what the, the angle is, because even if I gave you my cash app, I mean, like what, what are you going to do with that? You don't have my, my login info. You don't have my, my password or anything like that. So anyway, so this guy, you know, he's like, Hey, if a 5, 000 was deposited into your cash app account, what would you do with it? Don't get offended. It's just a random question. I want, you know, like, and, and people are all the time sending me messages like this and telling me they want to bless me. And, and so, and so, I mean, I just, I just figured this would stop him in his tracks when I, when I responded with a hookers and blow. So, you know, I'm obviously, you know, he's telling the truth. No, not.


I think my response would have to be on something like that. 5, 000 is way too much. I'd like to have 57 and 38 cents in a random allotment of coins. That's how I'd have to respond. I'd like to have Tree City. You know, digitally, that can be a




Or does somebody really just sit there and be like, Hey, that's a great offer. I'd like, I'd like you to have my cash app. Here's my information. So from what,


so this is from what I understand, I guess what they do is they pretend to send you money and it like, somehow it shows it's pending and then they're like, Oops, it was an accident. Like send it back. And so you like, you send them money. Yeah. But like their money they sent you never goes through. So then you're out of money, but like, even if someone did that and they're like, I accidentally send you money, I would be like, that's too bad. So it's


like, it's like the old, uh, the old, like, um, eBay, PayPal scam where they're like, Hey, if I, uh, like they always want to offer you more, they're like, Hey, if I give you double your asking price, um, can you ship this,




you ship this directly to me? And then what they do is they, they're like, okay, what's your, uh, your, um, PayPal email address. And then they send you this stupid email that looks like it's from PayPal. That says you've got money. I'm like, bro, I'm looking at my PayPal account right now. There is no money in here. So yeah,


I don't know people it's the things people fall for like, please just don't give out your information any information at all and the worst is um, so now a lot of times people are getting on Instagram and They're like, hey, I need the and they'll um Be like, Hey, I need your help. Like logging back into my account, but it's actually a scammer that like scammed your friend's account. And then they keep doing that and scamming my daughter. Unfortunately, she's a teenager, so she didn't know better. And her fray, it was coming from her friend's account. So she didn't know. And she's like, give me this code when I send you a text. And then my daughter got hacked. And like the people on her Instagram account kept asking me and other people for money.


Not cool. Yeah. Don't be taken advantage of. Kids, especially.


Right? I'm


missing one of mine a couple


of mine because you were so focused on ours. You didn't put yours on there


Yeah, well that and I was focused on getting that YouTube live studio up But my apparently my sound card is a dinosaur and and it or graphics card is a dinosaur and it wouldn't work


Well, we can tell everybody about the pressaroni and cheese pizza


Yeah, let's do that. And Hey, and you know what? If you want us to, if you want me to have a better sound card, send us money. You know what I mean? Like we'll take money. You can cash app us. I was going


to say, we'll give you his cash app.


Yeah, I will give you, in fact, I'll put that sucker right on the screen.


Money starts flowing in.


I'll give you my Venmo. Okay. So this next one, um, Crystal, what this, her name's Presley. Yes. Okay. And I believe she might, she might be watching right now. If not, we'll tag her in the live. Yeah. She knows this is coming. She's okay with this. So, all right. So, so we'll set this up before I,


okay. So we have a local, Uh, pizza place in town called Panini's Feets and Wings, um, is owned by my friend and my lovely piercer, Chris Summers. So anyway, uh, Presley is one of the managers and she was doing a really good job and Chris likes to mess with her. And so he decided to, uh, Make a pizza after her called, uh, the pressaroni and cheese. And he posted it in Brownsburg chatter, um, in like three different groups in town and all over his social media. It was hilarious. And so. Where the pepperonis are, those are different pictures of Presley's face, which you can see if you go on YouTube. Hey, there you go. Presley. Shout out. Yeah. Hi, Presley. We'll have to


have her and the pizza on sometime.


I think that's some very creative marketing in today's world. I think it's a, shows a creativity. I think it was probably a hit. Oh yeah,


everybody loved it. And then the best part was in the comments, um, he posted a video of her finding the post and she's freaking out. And then he's like, what's the matter? It's a press of Ronnie and cheese. And she goes, what the, and then you hear dog barks.


That's good stuff.


It was fantastic. Yeah, they have really good pizza. So if you're hungry and you're around Brownsburg. Check out Panini's Pizza and Wings.


Alright, so this one, I thought, we were each, our assignment was we were each supposed to pick out three uh, funny or weird or just some kind of social media post to kind of, kind of clown on. So, which actually was the original focus of this podcast before we um, came across this lovely lady over here. So, oh yeah, we're not on screen here. Now you can, hold on, now you can wave.


Oh. That's me. There you go. Laughter.


So yeah, so this was on Facebook. It says, why does everyone in Indiana only talk negatively and bitch and moan over everything? I swear there is not one happy, positive person in this fruiter ass state. So, um, I just thought this was funny because of the irony and the fact that he is being extremely negative, uh, about, Everything, including Indiana. I think, dude, I think Indiana is pretty dope. Like, I mean, when I was a kid, I couldn't wait to move. I can't say that I wouldn't still like to live somewhere else, but I mean, Indianapolis has got a lot of cool stuff to do that, you know, once you're over 21, you know, a lot of little hidden gems.


Yeah. I gotta say like, As much as I like Miss Washington, I'm glad I'm raising my kids here. Cause it's definitely a great state to raise your kids in. And what this reminds me of is all the people complaining about Taylor Swift in the super bowl. And it's like, I saw people complaining about Taylor Swift more than I actually saw Taylor Swift. Are you a big T Swizzle fan? No. Oh, okay. Like, I don't dislike her. I don't like her. I'm just indifferent. You know what I mean? Like, I couldn't care less.


Jason's a big time Taylor Swift


Swifty. He asked me to do a tattoo that says Swifty for life on his back.


Easy. Easy. I'm indifferent. I think it's cool that the celebrities like Shaq recently commented and got a picture with her. I respect her talent. I don't know any of her songs, to be honest with you. I'm indifferent.


You definitely have to respect her. I mean, that girl has been writing original songs since she was like nine, right? I mean, like, I don't know how old she was, but I mean, forever, you know, original songs, doing her own choreography and all that. So you got to respect that. She's


one of the most popular women on the planet. Like you can't, you can't deny that. Like she's done something right.


I would say the marketing aspects and getting her name out there. I mean, everything she does turns to gold, really. I mean, you know, she's. She's talented. Like I say, I don't really know her music.




And I think, uh, what, what cracks me up about her is, is, you know, there's younger folks that like her and older folks that like her, which is kind of rare in today's music, in my opinion. You know, there's all ages would be in that crowd if you decided to attend a concert.


Yeah. Yeah. Her music's not really my thing, but like leave the girl alone, man. Have


you guys seen the, uh, the mostly on Facebook, but since we're talking about social media, have you seen the, um, the social media posts about Taylor Swift? Like. Like saying that she was like a, she's like a satanist or whatever. Like, uh,


no, I thought they were talking about that one, uh,


or a witch or both. They weren't talking about Taylor Swift. Yes, they were. I wish I had the post now, but yeah, I know. What is her name? I mean, they say all of them are like, you know, in order to be famous, it was apparently you have to join the Illuminati. And like, it was


the one


worship, uh, Malik and


the one singer who was wearing the upside down cross. The Superbowl, I can't, I'll have to look it up.


But I definitely saw one of those on Taylor.


That's weird. So I don't know if,


uh, I mean, I,


I remember they said that about Katy Perry for a long time too.


Yeah, I mean, they kind of, and Lady, I've heard about Lady


Gaga. Yeah, you know, Like someone's always the Satanist. I'll be the next one, it's okay.


But I mean, like, the whole, I think the whole premise is, um, like they, They sell their soul to become famous is what the, is what the conspiracy theory is. You know, like they joined the Illuminati or whatever. Okay, I won't be the next one. Yeah. I actually got an email one day, um, asking me if I wanted to join the Illuminati.


Did you join?


I'm an honorary member.


Well, where's all of the Illuminati money?


I can't, I cannot discuss that. Well,


you're telling people about cash app when you're in the Illuminati.


That's part of it, man. What do you think? That's


how they get all their money. That's right.


That's how we get funded is all through all these cash app, uh, scams, you know, like it's about all about.


Hey, you hear that? It's the Illuminati messaging you trying to get your cash app. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah, so, unless you want to support the Illuminati, which you totally should, if you, uh, unless you want to support the Illuminati, then don't, don't, you know, fall prey to these, uh, cash app scams. Wouldn't you say? Would you agree? Would you agree, Jason? Solid advice.


I kind of want to join the Illuminati.


No, you don't. They, they, they make you drink baby's blood, is what I understand.


But, do you get to be a billionaire like Taylor Swift?


Um, yeah. And all that adrenochrome from the, uh, the baby's blood is supposed to make you young forever, I guess.


Well, there we go. Sounds like a good deal.


No, we are not pro sacrificing babies. No, no, we love babies. We like kids. It's grownups that we hate. Look, we can, we can sacrifice them. Yeah, not, not, not children. We


love, we love children and animals. The innocence. That sounds creepy. That does not sound creepy. I just mean once they're, like, The innocent ones. Once they're grown and terrible people, we don't like them anymore. Are we out? Are we out of stories? I think so. Because you had like, nothing. You were the least prepared out of all of us.


You want me to sing?


Yeah. Sing us a song. Saying wind beneath my wings.


Absolutely not. Smelly cat, smelly cat. What are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly cat.


It's not your fault. I sound like Phoebe when I sing, so it would probably work out. Then you do it. I know. Come on. I cannot sing at all, it's so sad. Well, I've had a carotid cough for about six months. And nine months. 18 months. Yeah, it's been a long time. It has been 18 months. Um, so my voice is a little different. That's why it's all raspy. It's not normally like this. Like


when Phoebe gets sick,


and she's like, She's like, I'm so sexy. Like, that bitch sounds good. Right? And then she got mad she lost her sexy voice. We should just do a podcast talking about friends.


Yeah, I don't know, Jason, would you be a part of that? Would you? I just don't have any. Any friends? Well, that's why we should do it. Oh, and you know, I, I think this, we should have had more, uh, I thought this we could go on and on about these things, but we should have had more, um, Social media posts. But if you have any social media posts and you'd like to send them in for a part two of this at some other point in time, uh, you can email them to us at mosaic minds, 37. At gmail. com mosaic. Mine's 37. The reason that I chose 37 is because that's how old I will be in about five years. Don't pan over this way. Don't, don't look at her. Um, actually I'm pretty sure I had one more. Let me look. It's not your fault. Oh, this one, I didn't understand. This was more because I just wanted someone to explain it to me because I didn't understand what I didn't understand it.


All right, let's see.


Maybe I'm just naive.


I want to see this.


So it says dating someone who would have sold you back in the day is crazy to me, but carry on. Okay. Really? This would be what, what they would call, um, reverse racism.


I guess.


I don't know. Some people say that's not a thing.


Yeah. I don't want to get into that. That's probably, that's


probably, that's probably a good idea not to get into that.


Yeah. And can I also say that in 2024, like looking at anybody in a relationship, the who are like different. In any way, like, it just baffles me, like, why are interracial relationships still, like, so weird? In


another hundred years or so,


everyone's going to be the same. We're all going to be mixed. You know what I mean? Like, everyone's going to be a beautiful mix, baby.


Yeah, so, I mean, yeah, yeah, I, I totally agree. There's actually, so there was actually a, we haven't, we haven't been out, but there was a girl that I was talking to on one of the dating sites, and, um, like, she's like, I don't know if I want to go there because, you know, like, You know, like, I think people might, I don't want to be the only person of color there, you know, like coming in, but I mean, like, I guess, but then again, I'm a white male. So like, you know, I don't, I guess I don't consider things like that.


Right. I don't know. You don't have to count your lucky stars. Yeah.


Us, us white men, we have been oppressed for generations.


I know. It's just sad. It's their turn. Right. Yeah. Come on, ladies. Let's step back and just let the men have their turn now.


God, that sounds like a really bad porn.


Come on, let's let the men do their thing. Or it could be a really great porn. Or just,


you know, maybe a good date.


Yeah. I mean, if you're into that kind of thing.


I don't know. All right. Well, I think it's time to wrap this up. Um, but again, Hey, thank you so much for watching. And if you could please, if you're well, if you are watching, that means you're watching on YouTube. So if you could please subscribe and like it, and then, you know, click on the little bell there and that will let you have notifications of when we are. Um, up and running when the next episode drops, which by the way, the episodes drop every Tuesday. I know on my promo that I posted before I said Thursday, but that was wrong. But yeah, so they, they drop every Tuesday at 5:00 AM And um,


and if you know anyone who would be a great guest for our podcast, send us a message on social media or an email and, um, tell us who and why. And like, maybe like what their thing is or what's interesting about them and how to reach out to them.


Yeah, or if you think that you are an interesting cat and you have like something that you want to promote. Like, let's say that you, uh, you're like Crystal over here and you secretly write novels and publish them. You know, if you, if you want to, uh, promote that novel. I have somebody


for us.




Yeah. Okay.


Is it JK Rowling's?


Uh, no, no, it's my lovely friend, Tina, who hi, Tina, if you're watching, probably not, but I'm going to tag you and try to have you on because she would be a great guest. She does like panels and stuff regularly. So


we're also going to do, we talked about doing some, uh, man on the street kind of stuff. Cause I just think that would be cool. Like going downtown and, And just interviewing some, some random people, you know, like


New York style.


Yeah. I mean, honestly, we could almost do that for every single episode, you know, just kind of get their take on whatever it is or was that we talked about and then put that at the beginning of the episode or at the end. Yeah. We thank Jason. Good idea. Yeah. Okay. And then, uh, we'll, we'll have a, uh, an episode coming up with, um, at the pickleball court, we're going to, we'll be, uh, For if you're on TikTok, then you'll be able to see it live. But we're going to do we're going to broadcast from we're going to broadcast from Go West Sports. Jason, I'll let you talk about that a little bit.


Yeah. Go West Sports. We're going to do a little video fast, fastest growing sport in the world. We're all three going to play a little bit. So you get to laugh at us. Have a good time. Should be interactive.


Yeah. Jason took me and my kids there. Um, God, it's been, it's been like over a year ago now, right? It




but it was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. And for someone like me that is not in the, uh, best cardio shape, you know, it's not nearly as intense as being on a tennis court and having to run way back. And it's, it's kind of like a, um, Like a giant ping. It's like you're on the ping pong table. Kind of. So I've


never even seen pickleball. So watching me play, it might be hilarious.


The hardest part


is all


the rules, you know, like, like knowing who's serving next and what the call, like you're supposed to call stuff out, which you'll have to remind me to


follow rules when we play.


No, we'll just hit the ball.


Okay. Wouldn't you say it's basically. Kind of like a big ping pong paddle and then like sort of like a whiffle ball. Yeah.


Very accurate. Yep.


All right. And I think we actually might have, uh, um, the guy that taught me, well, Jason taught me, but the guy that helped Jason teach me and my kids how to play Eric, I believe is his name, right? Should be interactive. Yes. Yeah. I think we're going to have him on as well at some point. Um, guys, guys are real nice guy and he's got some side hustles and some businesses also that he might want to promote. So we'll, uh, We'll look forward to that. All right. So, uh, again, thanks for watching. Do all the little thingies, the subscribes and the, and the, um, podcast reviews and all that. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye.

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